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Is Mexico the answer to the post Brexit blues

Published:  11 Aug at 6 PM
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Tagged: Spain, USA, UK, Canada, Euro, England
Expats facing up to the post-Brexit possibility they may not be able to stay in their chosen EU member state havens should consider alternatives such as Mexico, a favourite with US retirees for decades.

Once you’ve examined and disregarded the popular misconception that this laid-back chunk of the planet set south of the border with the USA is the most dangerous destination on earth, there’s a lot to recommend Mexico, especially if you’re about to be kicked out of Spain. English, of course, is spoken, even if it’s only the American version, and if you’ve bothered to learn Spanish you’ll fit in almost immediately.

Selecting one of Mexico’s major coastal cities such as Puerto Vallarta brings you to a long-established expat environment with a friendly international community. The sunshine, great climate and inexpensive cost of living will feel familiar, and the major concern of most retirees, healthcare, is cheap and incredibly convenient.

Same-day appointments with medical specialists come as standard, and staff training and medical equipment in hospitals and clinics is on a par with the USA and Canada. Obviously, the paid-for service doesn’t quite replace the convenience of the European Health Card, but it’s better by far than the UK’s troubled National Health Service.

The Mexican lifestyle isn’t dissimilar to that in Spain, with locals and expats alike enjoying its laid-back vibes. There’s no prejudice against incomers, and the expat communities themselves are welcoming and engaged. Mexican food is one of the world’s most popular cuisines, and can be had everywhere from street stalls to top-class eateries for that special night out.

For families, education options include a number of private schools costing far less than in most other expat destinations. Classes are fully bilingual and kids enjoy the plethora of extracurricular activities on offer. Buying a home is straightforward, and many incomers employ a gardener and maid, giving you more time to enjoy your new life. If you simply can’t face returning to damp, dreary Britain, Mexico is a good choice.
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