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UK based charities relocating to Europe to keep EU funding

Published:  11 Apr at 6 PM
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Four UK-based charity organisations are moving across the English Channel to The Hague to avoid losing their EU grants after Brexit kicks in.

The first charity to leave the UK, Euclid Network, has moved its entire operation to the Netherlands due to fears it will lose its European funding once Brexit is finalised, The charity’s director Stephen Barnett told the media between 70 and 80 per cent of the organisation’s funding comes from EU programmes. He added that the value of the EU contribution over a year is around €550,000, with the ongoing value to the charity’s partners at another €450,000, meaning that without the EU grants the organisation would be forced to close.

Human rights group Redress, developer of humanitarian supplies FieldReady and peace-building International Alert are the other three non-profit organisations which have moved all or some of their day-to-day operations to the Dutch port city. The Hague was chosen by all four for its excellent air and rail transport links, the presence of strong local member Social Enterprise NL, affordable staffing costs and the city's solid reputation internationally. Another influence was the existing community of expats already working with international NGOs.

Redress director Rupert Skilbeck told the media the human rights charity had decided to re-establish its base in Europe as it would benefit the global impact of its work in reparation and justice-seeking for victims of torture. The Hague, he said, exemplifies this international outlook, therefore providing the perfect location and platform for the charity. International Alert’s head of fundraising Debbie Ball agreed, adding that EU funding was essential for her projects, with The Hague’s welcoming attitude making for straightforward setting up of the new office.
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