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Brown criticized for Irish visas bill

Published:  11 Apr at 6 PM
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As reported by Enterprise News, Senator Scott Brown (Republican, Massachusetts) has recently come under fire for going forward with a bill that would offer 10,500 work visas per year for Irish citizens looking to emigrate to the United States.

At a time when the US Congress has been deeply divided over passing comprehensive immigration reform, Senator Brown’s legislation is now invoking rage among many ethnic minorities who are feeling ignored by the proposal. Many contend that the bill exhibits partiality towards Europeans over Hispanic and Asian immigrants. The timing has also led many critics to suggest that Mr Brown, who is facing a tight re-election bid, is using the bill to attract votes in a state where 25% of residents have Irish ancestry.

An official from the League of United Latin American Citizens, based in Washington, has accused Senator Brown of “political pandering”. Brent Wilkes, national executive director at LULAC, says that Mr Brown has not advocated for the “ DREAM Act”, a controversial bill which would grant citizenship to the children of illegal immigrant parents if the children wish to enrol in university or serve in the national military.

Wilkes asks why the senator would pick the Irish immigrants of Massachusetts, suggesting that Mr Brown has an agenda which is unrelated with spearheading true immigration reform.
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