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Would English expats rush to an independent Scotland?

Published:  11 Feb at 6 PM
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Tagged: UK, Euro, England
Given the chaos of the past three years’ Brexit negotiations and the fact that Scotland seemed to be 100 per cent against the UK leaving the European Union, will ‘North of the Border’ become a British expat destination once a newly independent Scotland rejoins the EU?

It may sound crazy, but the Scots have never been especially overjoyed at their position within the United Kingdom, perhaps due to the fact that several unsuccessful attempts were made to grab back its independence in the far distant past. The recent vote on breaking away from the rest of the UK and forming its own separate state went rather well, and increasing rumblings from the far north seem to signify an increasing wish for Scotland to do its own thing, even although or perhaps because Boris has put a block on another Scottish vote on the matter.

Should Scotland get its wish for independence, its capital would be well placed to take full advantage of the benefits of highly qualified expat professionals arriving from across Europe and even from what’s left of the UK by then. A recent survey ranked Edinburgh at the top of the tree for expatriates, and it’s the sole British city in the top 20, ranking higher than Manchester, Cardiff and London. Aberdeen is right behind in position 21, with the 47th place the best London could manage.

Clean air, low crime and welcoming neighbours all featured in both Scottish cities’ placings and the Northern weather didn’t detract, perhaps because the entire UK’s climate is being turned on its head and wrecked due to global warming. Should Scotland manage to win its independence and apply to rejoin the EU, British would-be expats who’d voted against leaving the union would have an easy decision as regards expatriating with very little cost and hassle. Although it’s very unlikely, for those valuing freedom of movement and believe Britain’s signed its own death warrant it’s a dream which might well come true, however long it takes.
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