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Trump win scares US expats in Mexico

Published:  10 Nov at 6 PM
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US citizens living in Mexico are already fearing for their lifestyles after Trump’s victory in the presidential election.

For decades, Mexico has been popular with American expats looking for a retirement haven or as another option when considering starting a business. Many have lived on the opposite side of the US/Mexico border for years, and most are now expressing fears over the effect of the shocking election result.

During his campaign, Trump regularly targeted Mexicans, accusing them of being criminals, rapists and illegals bringing drugs and violence into the USA. He promised to build a massive wall to keep them out. Consternation and shock were the results of his win, with US expats unable to believe his campaign had been successful.

Supporters of both parties got together on Tuesday for an election-viewing party at the capital’s University Club. As the results started to come in, fun was replaced by fear amongst members of both the Mexican Democrat and Republican chapters. By the time it was obvious Trump had the election in the bag, devastated expats couldn’t believe what had happened.

Frances Newall, a resident in Mexico for 45 years, told local media she couldn’t even imagine a world in which voters could accept a person such as Trump as president. Larry Rubin, head of Mexico’s Republican chapter, said both sides had got together to celebrate democracy regardless of their political preferences and ideology, and told reporters before the final result came in that Americans should unite behind the winner.

Formerly, Rubin had said he was not voting for Trump as his policies were sure to damage American’s relationship with Mexico, and was later seen leaving the gathering looking shocked and unhappy. Other expats, mostly businessmen with families in Mexico and in the USA, said the result is a harbinger of doom and disaster for their chosen country of residence and its economy.

Several mentioned a fall in the value of the peso, saying it was sure to affect imported goods from the USA, and others referred to the impact Trump’s much-vaunted wall would have on the country. At the same time, Mexicans living in the USA were taking part in the coast-to-coast anti-Trump protests which erupted just hours after the result was announced.
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