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Expats in Turkey fear for safety as ISIS advances

Published:  10 Nov at 6 PM
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Tagged: Citizenship
The seemingly unstoppable advance of ISIS, (the Islamic State in Syria), is striking fear into the hearts of expats living in Southern Turkey’s coastal resorts or in larger cities where violent protests are taking place.

Turkish Kurds dominate the Iraq border region, now considered a flashpoint, and many overseas residents in the popular southern coastal resorts are already making emergency evacuation plans. The border area has seen frequent shelling by the terrorist army in an attempt to block military and supply lines arriving from Turkey to support the Kurdish fighters.

Protests in a number of Turkey’s large cities including Istanbul are also causing concern amongst the country’s large expat community, especially when they take place in support of ISIS. Turkish police have been breaking up riots with tear gas and water cannons, with a number of foreign residents already affected by the resulting chaos and violence.

According to the British Consulate in Istanbul, diplomats are carefully watching developments both in the cities and on the border, and are advising expat British citizens to proceed with caution and keep up with the news. Oddly, a spokesperson for the consulate also told reporters that Turkey is still considered to be accessible and safe for the millions of annual visitors to its shores in spite of the present unrest and uncertainty.
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