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Brits in Spain paying double for drinks to save hospitality businesses

Published:  10 Jun at 6 PM
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Tagged: Spain, UK, England
Brit expats in Spain and the few remaining tourists are more than happy to pay twice as much for a beer in order to save their favourite watering holes from bankruptcy.

All along the Spanish Costas, expats and visitors are happily paying twice the going rate for food and alcoholic drinks in an attempt to support their favourite restaurants and bars. The idea first surfaced in Belgium where it’s known as ‘helpy hour’, and looks as though it will become a lifeline for struggling hospitality sector business owners.

Once it took hold in Spain, locals, long-stay expats, regular visitors and the few tourists still in the region soon joined in and local media took up the story. Positive comments were soon all over the internet, spreading the news and ensuring an enthusiastic uptake, with one expat posting it’s a great idea in principle and he’s more than happy to join in. Another British expat couple told reporters they’d already been doing something similar as they were worried about local hospitality sector businesses whose living is tied to the tourist trade.

Others say they see the sense in the idea, especially as a good coffee in Spain costs around €1.30, rather than up to €6.50 in the UK for an inferior blend. Many believe the spread of helpy hour could well save Spain’s hospitality sector from closing down entirely, although a few who reported they were already paying extra added they’re only doing so at their regular bars and restaurants. Given that it’s expected the country’s tourism trade will take several years to recover, this initiative could help save a huge number of both Spanish and British-owned businesses.
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