Twice the number of Chinese people leaving the country than arriving

Published:  10 Feb at 2 PM
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Two times as many Chinese people are quitting the country and heading for pastures new than the number of expats returning home, according to a recent survey.

Moving firm UniGroup Relocation revealed that the US topped the list of preferred countries among Chinese expats, while Germany, Singapore and France completed the top four.

The Wall Street Journal reports that UniGroup’s data showed that two times as many people left China than returned to the country last year; however, the company did not state whether the Chinese nationals moving to the US were doing so for the first time or returning stateside.

On the flip side, there was a fall of 22 per cent in the number of people returning to China from the US in 2014 compared to the previous year. Among the reasons Chinese citizens chose to seek new lives elsewhere were the rising cost of living in their homeland, pollution, improving economic conditions in Europe and the US and education.

The Wall Street Journal notes that the moves did not point towards a mass wave of emigration from developed Asian countries as Japan, for example, welcomed twice as many people than left last year, while Singapore and Malaysia recorded figures on a par with the previous year.
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