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British students heading to German universities to study for free

Published:  10 Jan at 6 PM
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Over a year after British university fees were increased by almost 200 per cent, mounting numbers of UK’s brightest and best are heading to German universities.

It’s not just undergraduates who are deserting the UK’s seats of learning due to the threat of being in debt until their middle years, it’s postgraduates as well. Many of Germany’s universities are as revered as their British counterparts and most are offering degree, post-grad and masters’ degree courses in the English language.

Subjects as diverse as art, the sciences and veterinary medicine are available, with many universities set in charming historic cities. Best of all, most German degree and masters’ degree courses are either free or given at a very low cost to students.

Berlin, Munich and Hamburg are popular destinations, and students already enrolled are thrilled to find that their fellow students approach their studies with an energy and commitment rare in the UK nowadays. Student accommodation and food is cheaper in Germany than in the UK, and the chance to network with overseas students is a distinct advantage in today’s international world.

Toby Lovatt is studying for a masters’ degree in law in Berlin, with his course charged at £1,300 per year, and Annie Rutherford, studying comparative literature for her post-graduate degree, is paying £81q7 a year for her course, which would have cost her at least £6,000 per year in the UK. Friendly, welcoming local people are another bonus, as is the flexibility of the courses offered.

Admittedly, entry standards are high, with British students applying for a bachelor’s degree course needing four A-level passes including a modern language. The German Academic Exchange Service has been attempting to lure UK undergraduates for some 60 years or so, and is grateful to the UK government for its fee-raising decision which has attracted a huge surge in interest and applications since it was announced.
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