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British pensioner knocked unconscious defending Costa bar owner from attack

Published:  9 Nov at 6 PM
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A 77 –year old British pensioner was declared a heroine after she was knocked unconscious defending a Costa del Sol bar owner from an attacker brandishing a broken beer glass.

Glaswegian grandmother Elizabeth Trueman was visiting her expat daughter in Fuengirola when the attack happened as a result of arguments over a drinks bill at the Bar Mortoni. Bar owners Hayley and Paolo praised her courage for wading into the fight without thought for her own safety. Trouble had been on the agenda since a group of men working on an adjacent construction site chose the bar to start drinking after they’d finished work.

Fearing problems with getting the men to pay for their drinks before they left, Paolo approached them and requested they pay for each round after they’d ordered. The request didn’t go down well, an argument began and suddenly the men were on their feet throwing chairs around and acting aggressively. The leader of the group smashed a heavy beer glass and lunged at Paolo, spurring Elizabeth to launch herself at the man’s back.

According to Hayley, the grandmother didn’t hesitate, just flew at the man. Distracted, the man turned and threw a punch at Elizabeth, hitting her in the face and knocking her out cold on the floor. Seeing her lying on the ground, the men backed off whilst Hayley called the police. After a few minutes, the brave grandmother came round, having suffered just a few cuts and several bruises.

When a team of eight local police arrived, they greeted the construction workers as if they were old friends, shaking hands and joking with them before they interviewed Elizabeth. The ambulance which was called never arrived, and Elizabeth was told to just go home after a female officer has asked if she was OK. The men weren’t arrested, no charges were made and the police told the bar owners they couldn’t speak English so couldn’t interview them. According to Hayley, the entire incident was simply swept under the carpet, although at the time it was terrifying.
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