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Soros kicks in to save Brit expat lifestyles

Published:  9 Feb at 6 PM
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Tagged: UK, Money, Euro, England
Billionaire George Soros has been outed as the money man behind efforts to negate Brexit.

Campaign groups working to either block or water down the UK’s divorce from the EU are believed to have received some £700,000 from anti-Brexit billionaire George Soros. News about his donations surfaced earlier this week when it was reveled he’d given £400,000 to Best for Britain to finance their legal efforts to either water down or destroy Brexit, thus keeping the UK in the European Union.

Senior Conservative lawmakers weren’t best pleased when the news broke and was confirmed by the billionaire financier, who’d famously caused 1992’s ‘Black Wednesday’ by bidding against sterling. However, Best for Britain and other campaigns being supported by Soros are more than happy they can afford ongoing legal challenges through his generosity. The present lawsuit, brought by Best for Britain, is awaiting clarification by the European Court of Justice and could, should the court rule in the plaintiffs’ favour, bring down the Conservative government.

Conservative MPs from Ian Duncan Smith through MP Henry Smith to former chancellor Lord Lamont all had their say, ranging from Smith’s ‘butt out’ through Lamont’s ‘stay out of British politics’ to Duncan Smith’s ‘they should hand back the cash’. Soros, on the other hand, is said to be furious at the criticisms and is considering another massive donation as a result. It seems his cash is funding at least six anti-Brexit campaign groups, including one based in parliament itself and committed to watering down the threat of a hard Brexit.

It’s also been revealed Soros’s London home was the focus of a Best for Britain presentation given to six Conservative Party donors earlier this week. The thrust of the presentation was the group’s aims to urge MPs to vote down any Brexit agreement negotiated by the Prime Minister later this year. Should this happen, it’s almost certain either an election or a new referendum would result. The Soros announcement is now generating the usual Tory sabre-rattling, but in reality could be the best news so far this year for both UK and EU expats caught up in the Brexit chaos as well as for the UK in the long run.
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