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Brit expat wins in World Porridge Making Championship

Published:  8 Oct at 6 PM
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Generations of Scots are turning in their graves at the news that a Brit expat living in Germany has won first prize in the World Porridge-making Championships.

Held in the Highlands town of Carrbridge, the Porridge-making Championship is in its 19th year and, to be fair, is open to international contestants as well as Scots who’ve been making the nourishing. traditional. north-of-the-border breakfast for years. Last year’s Edinburgh-based champion, John Boa, missed out, but was happy to win the Peoples’ Choice award for his dish of creamy oats.

The winner, Benedict Horsbrugh, wasn’t the only Sassenach to compete, with contestants arriving from Sweden and American to try their luck. The competitors were cut down to a final 16 during several rounds, with the Saturday evening final the highlight of the event.

Brandishing his awarded Golden Spurtle, the traditional spoon used to stir porridge, Benedict explained his porridge-making career had begun as the means of giving his three daughters a good, solid breakfast before sending them off to school. His daughters, he added, had encouraged him to come to Carrbridge to compete, although he’d never expected to win.

The contest is held just before World Porridge Day, held internationally to celebrate the famous breakfast dish. The festival in Scotland includes fundraising events with porridge themes aimed at benefiting Mary’s Meals, a charity helping to feed half a million of the world’s poorest children.
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