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Irish expats in Taipei admit to missing Irish weather

Published:  7 Dec at 6 PM
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Tagged: China
As Taipei is voted best expat city in the world, its Irish expats are missing their home country’s weather.

For the second year running, the Taiwanese capital is now ranked as the world’s best expat professional destination. Expats in the large community feels safe and happy with their quality of life and are avid fans of the city’s transportation system in spite of their initial culture shock when confronted with the huge crowds in the central area. Taipei, it seems, is deliberately planned to provide convenience in every aspect of life for all its residents.

For expats, one main advantage is that Taiwanese take the English language very seriously, thus saving Western expats from having to learn Mandarin Chinese. The city is a mix of cosmopolitan and traditional, especially in the popular night market with its amazing international selection of street food. For new expat arrivals, rental costs are reasonable and the healthcare system is comprehensive and affordable.

As part of its mix of all nationalities, Taipei is home to a thriving Irish expat community, with the vast majority finding their new home affordable, vibrant and versatile, although the high humidity and heat isn’t always appreciated. There’s now an Irish association aimed at supporting new arrivals from the Emerald Isle and keeping them connected with the homeland. All told, the community is inclusive and supportive, especially when homesickness strikes. When asked what they miss most about the home country, the cool, damp Irish weather is the usual answer.
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