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Expats flee for their lives as Delhi toxic smog worsens

Published:  7 Nov at 6 PM
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As the toxic pall of smog covering the vast city of Delhi grows more and more deadly, expats in the city are leaving in droves.

Particulate levels within the deadly pall shrouding the city are now at all time highs, with readings exceeding safe levels by an incredible 800 per cent. The city government has closed some 1,800 schools and warned residents to stay indoors with windows closed, whilst Delhi’s chief minister is describing air conditions as a ‘gas chamber’.

Delhi has long been regarded as one of the most polluted cities in the world due to its 8.8. vehicles cramming the roads on a daily basis and its huge population of around 25 million. The situation became an emergency last week, when smoke from fireworks celebrating the Diwali festival pushed the particulate readings way inot the red zone.

Since then, the pollution has worsened considerably due to agricultural burning in surrounding rural areas, with visibility now down to 200m and causing traffic accidents. Expats working in the city are leaving as the burning increases, with elderly residents and children the worst affected to date and the crisis now considered the worst in the last 17 years.

Expats in the city are mostly there for business and economic reasons, with leaving even on a temporary basis causing major disruption to their lives, Those with families are worried about the effects of the devastating levels of pollution on their childrens’ health as well as coping with their own sore eyes, coughs and chest pains. Face masks are simply not enough to deal with such high levels of dangerous particulates.

Several expats who spoke with the media noted they had developed allergies to carbon dioxide over several years of living in the unhealthy atmosphere. Many who used to jog regularly have had to give up on staying fit, and many more are planning to leave permanently in order to protect their health.
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