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Russian expat series airs in UK

Published:  7 Sep at 2 PM
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Tagged: UK, England
A comedy drama series which centres on Russian expats living in London has aired on British TV.

The show, Londongrad, became the first Russian TV series filmed nearly entirely in the English capital. Part comedy, part detective, the show exaggerates the lives of Russians living in the UK. Heathrow Airport, Leicester Square, Brasenose College on Oxford and a chase through Portobello market all feature in the new series.

The series is intended to show how difficult it was for Russians to live in London after the West had fallen out with Russia over its annexation of Crimea. Its writer, Michael Idov, said he wanted to show to improve relations with the West by portraying the UK in a positive light.

He explained that it was a conflict between clannish and parochial values, which value personal connections and friendship more, as well as worshipping the letter of the law. He said that its main aim was to entertain, but also show to Russians that the West was not full of monsters.

Londongrad first aired on Russian TV station STS last week, and Idov said that he was currently in negotiations to have an English subtitle option added.
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