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Two Saudis saved by expat’s organs

Published:  7 Jun at 3 PM
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Two patients in Saudi Arabia will undergo life-saving surgery after receiving the kidneys and liver of a brain dead expat worker in Makkah.

Al-Noor Specialist Hospital in Makkah’s director of the central care unit Qassim Al Khateeb said that a helicopter flew the surgically removed organs to the hospitals in Riyadh and Jeddah where the patients will be operated on.

The patient at Riyadh’s National Guard Hospital will receive one kidney and the liver, with the second kidney to be taken by a patient in Jeddah’s specialist hospital.

Al-Noor Hospital director Dr. Ayman Yamani said that the expatriate worker, 55, arrived at the hospital in a coma following a brain hemorrhage.

After being pronounced brain dead, the hospital contacted the Saudi Center for Organ Transplantation (SCOT), which called the expat’s relatives to seek permission to use his organs. Upon consent on Wednesday, the operation to remove the kidneys and liver took place.

SCOT director Dr. Faisal Shaheen thanked the expat’s family for their humanitarian gesture.

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