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New European campaign group nominated for Schwatzkopf Europe Award

Published:  6 Jul at 6 PM
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Campaign group New European’s GreenCard4Europe initiative has just been nominated for the prestigious Schwarzkopf Europe Award.

The anti-Brexit group is dedicated to retaining freedom of movement across Europe for expats living in the UK and all across the continent. Organisers are calling for young Europeans under the age of 35 to vote in order to keep up pressure on lawmakers to consider its innovative GreenCard4Europe initiative. Winning the award would boost the campaign’s efforts to put its demands firmly on both sides of the negotiators’ table in the hope expats’ rights will be fully respected by both the UK and the EU.

New European has already netted the Financial Times Award in the newspaper’s Future for Britain competition, but its aim is to bag a truly European prize, thus illustrating its fight for fair treatment for all expats no matter where in Europe they’re based. The coveted award has been granted since 2003, and is given for distinguished efforts to create a better, closer and more united Europe. Its efforts are based on the belief that advocating for the rights and freedoms of millions whose lives have been reduced to bargaining chips in a political war is the only way to stop Brexit in its tracks or at least provide a means by which free movement can continue.

The campaign believes the combined voice of Europe’s young people will exert the most pressure on governments to allow the free movement necessary to study, work and live in European countries should Brexit finally become a reality. European citizens under the age of 35 are used to moving between countries as their careers take them, and university as well as post-grad students are free to choose whichever country’s educational facilities suit them best as regards courses and affordability. To deny them now is to impoverish their futures educationally and financially.
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