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Expats in Spain angry about continuing communal swimming pool closures

Published:  6 May at 6 PM
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Tagged: Spain
British expats needing exercise during lockdown are urging the opening of communal swimming pools.

As Spain’s gradual lockdown closure continues and the weather improves, expats living in Southern Spain’s hundreds of residential compounds are eagerly awaiting the opening up of their communal swimming pools. As a result, the national association for Spain’s residential compounds is urging the government to re-open the pools before the summer season begins.

At this point in time, all pools are closed down, possibly to prevent groups of friends ignoring the social distancing rules, with any access to the facilities still forbidden by Spain’s State of Alarm law. The association’s request to the national government requires the setting up of protocols and conditions under which residents can gain access to the amenities whilst taking into account the risks of further coronavirus infections.

Suggestions include the reduction of the numbers of residents allowed in the pools at any one time, thus guaranteeing a form of social distancing but putting the onus to obey the regulation on the residents themselves. Also, granting access to toilets and changing rooms will require intensified disinfection and cleaning procedures. Expats living in the popular housing complexes are becoming increasingly annoyed that access to their communal pools is still disallowed, especially as exercise by any other means is also either discouraged or forbidden.
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