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Expat relief in Andalusia follows news of huge rapid test shipment
Published: | 6 Apr at 6 PM |
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Expats and Spanish nationals were overjoyed to hear about the arrival of covid-19 rapid test kits for dispersal in Andalusia.
The Spanish government’s huge order of over 130,000 rapid test kits has finally arrived, with expats and locals alike hoping it will signal the end of the strict lockdown all across the province. The kits arrived in Seville and will be delivered to all Andalusian regions as soon as is possible. The shipment is the first of several believed to be following swiftly in order for prompt distribution to nursing homes and hospitals whose population is most at risk of contracting the virus.
The new kits are expected to allow a massive increase in diagnostic capacity, with 20,000 being administered daily, and the shipment also contains 7,000 protective gowns and 325,000 surgical masks intended for health centres, hospitals, nursing homes and other venues with health professionals. A total of one million tests is to be provided, with the mass arrivals of other protections and necessary medical equipment giving hope to the province that the pandemic’s terrifying spread can be stopped in its tracks.
British expats in Andalusia have been enduring a lockdown due to the rapid spread of the infection, with the news of the huge shipments being received with relief and hope. Across the entire country, expats and locals with businesses linked to the tourism sector are fearing the worst should the pandemic not be stopped. Retired UK expats are especially afraid of infection, particularly as there’s no way at present that they could return to the UK and access the NHS. The lockdown is severely affecting expat seniors’ lives, and those who’ve been working are now laid off and worried about how to make ends meet until the region returns to normal.
The Spanish government’s huge order of over 130,000 rapid test kits has finally arrived, with expats and locals alike hoping it will signal the end of the strict lockdown all across the province. The kits arrived in Seville and will be delivered to all Andalusian regions as soon as is possible. The shipment is the first of several believed to be following swiftly in order for prompt distribution to nursing homes and hospitals whose population is most at risk of contracting the virus.
The new kits are expected to allow a massive increase in diagnostic capacity, with 20,000 being administered daily, and the shipment also contains 7,000 protective gowns and 325,000 surgical masks intended for health centres, hospitals, nursing homes and other venues with health professionals. A total of one million tests is to be provided, with the mass arrivals of other protections and necessary medical equipment giving hope to the province that the pandemic’s terrifying spread can be stopped in its tracks.
British expats in Andalusia have been enduring a lockdown due to the rapid spread of the infection, with the news of the huge shipments being received with relief and hope. Across the entire country, expats and locals with businesses linked to the tourism sector are fearing the worst should the pandemic not be stopped. Retired UK expats are especially afraid of infection, particularly as there’s no way at present that they could return to the UK and access the NHS. The lockdown is severely affecting expat seniors’ lives, and those who’ve been working are now laid off and worried about how to make ends meet until the region returns to normal.
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