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Scandinavian link to murder in Gibraltar investigated by police

Published:  6 Apr at 9 AM
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Tagged: Spain
Police in Gilbraltar are looking at a possible link to the women’s Scandinavian ex-partner and the family which was found dead this week.

There has been confirmation from the police that they are investigating the mother’s family in particular. She was found with her throat slashed along with her six-week-old baby and four-year-old daughter on Monday morning. Also found at the scene was the women current partner who is thought to be from Liverpool. The murder scene was so gruesome that many police who visited the scene needed counselling.

A spokesmen for the Gibraltar police said that information regarding family members, especially from the women’s side, would be crucial to the on-going investigations. He went on to say that all relevant family members have been notified and that they should be able to release the names publicly this coming Monday or Tuesday.

The family of four were found dead after police forced their way into their home at 10:45am on Boschetti steps after being notified about a ‘commotion’.

The 37-year-old Spanish female, the 31-year-old British male and two girls had only recently moved to Gibraltar however had been living in Spain for some time.

Apparently all three females were found with their throats cut and all four members of the family had stab wounds.

Post-mortems of the four-year-old girl and the older female have been completed however this is not yet the case for the British man and the baby ages six weeks.
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