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Brit expats in Europe urged to submit Brexit stories for new book

Published:  6 Feb at 6 PM
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Tagged: UK, Citizenship, Euro, England
British expats stuck in limbo whilst the great and not so good argue over their futures are being invited to submit their own stories for inclusion in a new book.

Brexit is set to affect different people in different ways, but the stories told will prove a lasting memory of how British expats coped with the uncertainty surrounding the potential loss of their homes and their dream lives. The idea of a book about UK expats in Europe came from another book published last year in which the stories of EU expats in Britain were recounted, taking its inspiration from the Our Brexit Testimonies Facebook page.

The new not-for-profit book is being put together by the Brexpats - Hear our Voice anti- Brexit campaign group (BHOV) who are working alongside the team behind 2017’s In Limbo publication. Activist Jan Glover told reporters In Limbo was compiled from EU citizens living in the UK’s testimonies along with a few from UK citizens. It can be had from Amazon as either a Kindle e-book or a traditional book, and was actually published in December and is now available in stores. The new book will tells the stories of UK citizens living in the EU, giving them a much-needed voice.

Jan added some of the stories in the first book are literally heartbreaking, but said she expects the second book to contain much more anger against politicians whose egos are clearly more important to them than the lives of everyday British expats. Lots of stories are needed in order to fill the entire book, which will be called In Limbo Too. Hopefully, the appeal will result in 150 texts for inclusion, representing a cross section of Brits living across the EU member states.

BHOV founder Debbie Williams believes In Limbo Two will be treasured as an historical record of the massive upheaval of Brexit and how it affected lives left in limbo for several years. The deadline for submitting stories is the end of March, and senders can be anonymous if they wish. People will need to sign a consent form, and are to be asked how they would like to be described.
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