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One in three UK expats want to return home

Published:  5 Dec at 12 PM
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Tagged: Moving, UK, England
A third of UK expats would jump at the chance of moving home, while more than two thirds are unhappy where they live, revealed a survey of more than 700 British expats.

The survey, conducted by Experts for Expats in October and November, quizzed British expats on where they would choose to live if there were no obstacles involved to moving.

Some 43 per cent said that the reason they would prefer to move back to the UK was due to homesickness or family reasons, while just 23 per cent of those looking to return home said it was because of the lifestyle on offer. One in five Brits abroad would want to return home for financial reasons, while only one per cent cited career opportunities as a reason to make the move.

Around 40 per cent of respondents said that the quality of lifestyle in other countries was the main reason they initially decided to leave the UK, while 19 per cent said the local culture was key. Career or financial reasons, meanwhile, only came third on the list, with just 13 per cent claiming that was the most important factor.
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