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Expats and Nanking locals compete for worlds tastiest job

Published:  5 Jul at 6 PM
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Tagged: China, Study Abroad
A Nanjing food preparation company was mobbed by over 100 applicants after it advertised a £57k a year job as a crayfish taster.

Rather than simply advertising the amazing position and interviewing applicants, local food producer Bingku Daxia decided to hold a recruitment fair in order to find the best person for the job. Crayfish are all-time favourites all across China, usually served in a spicy broth by streetside food stalls as a summer speciality best enjoyed with friends and a quantity of cold beer. A crowd of a hundred hopefuls turned up, all vying for the position and its more than generous annual salary as well as for the ultimate free lunch.

Eager applicants included expats, local university students and professional chefs, all determined to succeed, at least until they saw the demanding qualifications and experience needed. Required was a bachelors’ degree or higher qualification in food science or supply chain management in addition to previous managerial work experience in food industry quality assurance and fluency in the English language. Most of the applicants were young adults, and the evaluation included a multiple choice written test as well as tastings and identification of spices and flavourings used in one of the dishes on display.
he successful candidate is expected to be able to eat some 5.5 pounds of crayfish on a daily basis with no ill effects whilst looking healthy, not developing acne and not getting fat. A good few student applicants seemed to be proving they could eat as many of the ‘mini-lobsters’ as were provided, but identifying the spices and flavourings used seemed to be beyond most expats. However, a good time was had by all, and the hardest question involving identifying one particular crayfish’s weight, specific species, colour and breeding environment produced some interesting answers. The intensive screening produced nine top competitors, with the successful applicant expected to be identified next week.
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