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Tech events for the autumn season aim at expat entrepreneurs and investors

Published:  4 Sep at 6 PM
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Tagged: Germany, Euro
Expat techies are now being offered a wide international choice of events.

In 2019, expat tech entrepreneurs have a wide choice of meet-ups and events aimed at informing on the sector’s latest developments, held across Europe and specialising in everything from blockchain and cryptocurrencies to artificial intelligence. The only problem is decided which out of the offerings gives the best and most relevant bangs for the participants’ bucks.

The list begins with this coming Saturday’s Startup Night to be held in Berlin and focusing on talent-spotting by major German IT companies. Around 250 start-up teams are expected to be there, and categories include everything from 5G through blockchain and quantum computing to self-drive cars. A somewhat expensive offering on 8th and 9th of this month is being held in Berlin and will include some of the smartest techies in the sector. The IFA Future Thinktank runs on 8th and 9th September, with its topics including bioethics, blockchain and digital ethics.

Later in the month on the 11th and 12th, Basel will host Intelligent Health AI 2019, a seminar on AI as the solution for the world’s healthcare problems. Sectors covered include oncology, cardiology, surgery and genomics. On September 16/17, the aspiring blockchain hub of Hamburg will host a Blockchance Conference featuring experts from across the world and focusing on distributed ledgers. Copenhagen’s TECHBBQ runs on 18 and 19 September, and is an international tech startup summit aimed at expanding participants’ networks as well as bringing together the city’s vibrant start-up community.

London’s Allocate meet-up on 19th September is aimed at pitching ideas to the ‘limited partner’ class of high net worth investors, thus cutting out the middlemen, and Rotterdam’s Capital Days event hopes to put innovative expat entrepreneurs in touch with potential investors. Another don’t-miss event is Malmo’s European Startup Festival, running from 20 to 22nd of this month and aiming to bring together every sector within the tech scene. The city has raised the most venture capital in all the Scandinavian countries, a good start for tech innovators.
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