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Expats rights campaigners to hold mass human rights lobby of UK parliament

Published:  4 Sep at 6 PM
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Tagged: UK, Citizenship, Euro, England
Two major groups representing both UK and EU expatriates are organising a mass lobby of British parliamentarians on behalf of the human rights of all expats affected by Brexit.

The Westminster event, organised by the 3Million and the British in Europe coalition, will take place next Wednesday, with both groups stressing it’s not anti-Brexit as such. Its aim is to urge MPs to ensure expats on both sides retain the rights necessary in order to continue living their lives in their adopted countries. Those who have concerns about the lack of clarity in the present situation but are unable to attend the rally are being urged to lobby MPs via social media.

The two campaign groups are also demanding expats’ rights be ring-fenced away from the rest of the Brexit negotiations, thus ensuring any agreement reached will be honoured in spite of ongoing disagreement on other issues such as Britain’s so-called divorce bill. Both the 3Million and British in Europe have stated all expats affected are able to take part, including disenfranchised Britons who’ve lived overseas for more than 15 years.

News of the protest came as the European Parliament plans to launch a new resolution aimed at clarifying expats’ post-Brexit rights. Its contents are intended to complement the parliament’s April resolution calling for the prioritising of expats’ rights and requesting the EU finds ways to mitigate the loss of EU citizenship by the British people. Chief Brexit co-ordinator Guy Verhofstadt has already stated he supports future free movement across Europe in addition to votes in local elections. His stance, however, goes further than that of EU commissioner Michel Barnier.

The parliamentary lobby has been timed to precede the next Brexit negotiation sessions due to begin on 18 September, and is well before the European Council summit meeting on 19-20 October when leaders are to decide whether the talks can proceed to their second phase. Given the above statements by EU negotiators, it would seem the EU is doing far more to reassure expats on both sides than is the British team led by David Davis under Theresa May’s guidance.

Those who wish to take part in the lobbying event are asked to register at britishineurope.org/mass-lobby-13th-sept/.
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