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Brit expats in France urged by RIFT to know their rights

Published:  3 Sep at 6 PM
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Tagged: France, USA, UK, Euro, England
The several hundred thousand Britons living and working in France are being urged to research the rights they already have.

Some 150,000 or more UK expats are estimated to be living in France, although reality suggests there are far more due to France’s unique ruling that arrivals from other EU countries don’t have to register or even report their presence in the country. None have any real idea what effect a hard or even a soft Brexit will have on their lives, for the simple reason that neither the UK’s nor the EU’s official spokespersons have reached out to offer solid advice or information. Voluntary groups such as Remain in France Together (RIFT) have been the only source of knowledge as well as simple empathy and reassurance.

The group has around 10,000 members and is a founder member of the far larger British in Europe collation representing the 1.3 million Britons settled across all EU member states. The major problem for Brits in France is the afore-mentioned lack of insistence on registration, meaning the vast majority have no actual proof they’re residents in France, nor what rights they already have should a no-deal Brexit be the final outcome. The difficulty of getting a carte de sejour is just one illustration of the predicament in which British expatriates now find themselves.

Remain in France Together is aiming to at least inform those who’re confused and distressed about their futures by unveiling a new outreach project aimed at expats who’re out of the social media loop. Included are the vulnerable, those who’re not in regular communication with other Brit expats and those who’re just too plain stressed out and terrified to do their own research or take as much control of their own situations as is possible. The group says it can’t give certainty as there isn’t any at present, but it can give crucial information to ensure UK expats can cover their backs as much as is possible.

To this end, the group is distributing a leaflet giving advice on options, the process for getting a carte de sejour and how to get up to date information on the Brexit negotiations. In addition, members will be writing regularly for English language newspaper The Local in an attempt to get what information there is into a useful format for those trying to get their heads around this confusing situation without receiving any assistance from the politicians and diplomats who’re running the show.
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