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Holiday options for expat professionals working overseas

Published:  3 Aug at 6 PM
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Tagged: Travel Abroad
Expat life has a habit of overturning the norms of everyday existence, especially if there’s a family to consider.

For non-expats, life overseas is often seen as either one long holiday or an exotic and glamorous experience to be envied by those stuck in the home country. For expat professionals, the reality is far less enviable, consisting of the same or very similar routines as in the home country and with holidays as much about relief from the daily grind as they ever were. The only difference may be that expats actually have more choice as to where to go for their summer break.

Options include visiting more of the adopted country, returning home to see friends and family members or choosing a destination in a third country you’ve always wanted to visit. Each option has its good and bad points, including a feeling of guilt that you can’t do all at once. Summer holidays are a great excuse to explore the adopted country, especially if you’ve relocated with your family. Introducing children to life outside the big city is fun and educational, and gives them a better perspective of their new country as a whole.

Visiting a country you’ve always wanted to see and never had the time to visit is an exciting option made possible by the rise of budget airlines and overseas travel in general. Air travel worldwide is easy and affordable nowadays, with even the mysteries of Asia and Africa reachable via just a few hours in the air. Travelling to an exotic destination you’ve read about and seen on TV is an unforgettable experience, especially for older children curious about the wide world in which they're living.

Returning to the home country to see family and old friends is the third option, and maybe the riskiest for many expats. Firstly, you’re likely to experience feelings of guilt for not coming home more often, especially if you’ve missed Christmas for several years! Worst of all, family members or friends may not be able to hide their resentment and envy at your life outside the immediate family circle. You’re damned if you do return regularly and you’re damned if you don’t, with your holiday wrecked either way. Strangely, after some time in your adopted country you’ll start to feel like an outsider in your country of birth.
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