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Expats in Spain now threatened by forest fires after biblical floods

Published:  2 Oct at 6 PM
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Tagged: Moving, Spain, Canada
As if biblical floods and the loss of homes and possessions weren't enough, expats and locals in Spain’s Costal del Sol region are now under threat from a raging forest fire.

The blaze broke out in the hills overlooking the popular region, with homes evacuated whilst helicopters, fire trucks and firefighters attempted to contain the flames. As night fell, the helicopters were forced to give up and return to base, leaving firefighters to do their best and the fire still blazing. The main MA -8300 was cut off by the blaze between Celima and Las Cadenitas areas, opening again late at night as the flames turned in a northerly direction.

Right now, the fire is moving in two fronts, with Celina and La Arquita on high alert, with a strong wind from the west hampering firefighters’ attempts to control the blaze and direct it away from the towns in its path. At least one home has been totally destroyed, with its owner trapped and forced to jump into his swimming pool, where he remained until rescued by firefighters. Other properties in the area are still at risk, with more information available later today.

In the meantime, Gibraltar now has a new ‘Brexit Office’ aimed at calming the fears of expat residents on the Rock as Brexit day approaches. The office was launched to provide information for those preparing for a no-deal Brexit effect on the community and its businesses, with information on passports, EHIC cards and general enquiries all about preparing for the worst. According to the Rock’s deputy chief minister Dr Joseph Garcia, Gibraltar will no longer be subject to EU rules, but will no longer be able to benefit from EU membership.
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