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Brit expat killed during police chase accused of selling drugs to elderly expats

Published:  2 Jul at 6 PM
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A retired British expat living in Thailand and killed in a car crash during a police chase was accused of supplying illegal drugs to addicts in the local elderly expat community.

David Sewell smashed his car into a lorry after being chased by Thai police in Udon Thani for around six miles. He was immediately rushed to a nearby hospital, but was later pronounced dead. According to Thai police, they found quantities of meth pills, cannabis, cocaine and crystal meth in his car, although separate news reports state the drugs, packed in empty smartphone boxes, were either in the boot of his car or on the front passenger seat. Police had seen the retired former business owner acting suspiciously whilst parked on a roadside with the driver’s door open. When approached by officers, he panicked and drove away at high speed.

Sewell had been in Thailand for several years and had a Thai wife and a daughter, with his wife telling police she thought he was out drinking with friends. She denied all knowledge of any drug activity by her husband, telling them that he lived a normal life visiting local temples, delivering food to the poor and looking after his home, family and pet bulldog. Police are accusing the dead man of running a sophisticated drugs business and claim to have found marijuana at his home after detaining his wife for questioning.

Local Udon Thani police believe David ‘s customers for his illegal drugs were retired expat pensioners living with their younger Thai wives in the rural region. However, an anonymous member of the British expat community posted online that it’s extremely unlikely his customers were all elderly expats living in the area, adding it’s usual for Thai police to target foreigners for blame. Alcohol is the biggest expat problem, as it is for Thais, with resident expat drug addiction mostly limited to prescription drugs obtained from private clinics.
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