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Brit expats in Spain furious over continuation of mask wearing

Published:  2 Jun at 6 PM
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Spain’s surprise announcement on the compulsory wearing of masks is infuriating the British expat community.

The newly-announced continuation of the law making the wearing of masks compulsory came as a shock to the Costa del Sol expat community, many of whom are taking to social media to protest. Expatriates expected an easier time when the Spanish government’s Phase 2 coronavirus rulings were introduced, but the unpopular rulings of mask-wearing and social distancing haven’t been rescinded, even for those now allowed to visit restaurants, local stores and bars.

Phase one of Spain’s attempt to stop the virus in its tracks was heavily enforced, with many thousands of fines handed out and even arrests for disobeying the lockdown ruling. Serial breakers of the rules are now in prison, serving terms of up to three months for continuing to flout the laws. At present, most of those complaining about the continued wearing of masks are Brits, thus supporting repeated allegations that UK citizens aren’t used to obeying strict regulations.

One local reporter following the story arrived at a local bar and was confronted by an angry Scottish expat insisting he only needed to wear a mask in the street. Comparing those who were complying with sheep, he described the issue as ‘bloody crazy’, ranting that more people die each year from the flu than from the coronavirus. The exchange of views quickly spread across the bar, with the majority of drinkers agreeing wholeheartedly with the Scot and even referring to Spain as a police state.

One disgruntled expat described how he’d been arrested the previous week for simply sitting on a bench, and all expressed preferences for the UK government’s way of dealing with the pandemic over those of Spain.
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