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Expats in Abu Dhabi to pay more for power and water

Published:  1 Dec at 12 PM
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Expats in Abu Dhabi will have to fork out more for their electricity and water bills come the start of 2015, with utility companies to up the charges.

Electricity tariffs will increase to 3p per kilowatt hours of power used for customers consuming up to 20 kilowatt hours per day.

Water charges will depend on whether the home is a villa or an apartment. Those living in villas will not have to pay higher prices, but they will see their usage capped at 5,000 litres per day.

Meanwhile, those residing in apartments will have to pay £1.03 for every 1,000 litres of water if their daily usage exceeds 700 litres. Additional charges will be applied to homes consuming more than 700 litres per day.

Nationals of Abu Dhabi pay no charge for their water at present, but from January will have to pay for the service, albeit on a cheaper tariff than expats.

Abu Dhabi’s government has come under fire from the International Monetary Fund for subsiding the cost of power and water, with claims that it encourages excessive usage and waste.

The Regulation and Supervision Bureau’s director general Saif Al Qubaisi said that reworking the tariffs will now help consumers appreciate the real value of electricity and water within the economy.
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