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Malaga expat community bands together for flood-hit pensioner

Published:  1 Nov at 6 PM
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A Malaga flash flood victim is praising British expats who rallied round to provide help and support when her home was flooded up to the roof.

60-year old Irish retiree Trish McGough’s 14th century stone-built home was inundated by a flash flood and badly damaged, her furniture was wrecked and her possessions ruined, leaving her with nowhere to live and just the clothes she was wearing when the flood struck. Everything was covered in thick mud brought in by the rushing waters, leaving her with no idea where to turn to get her life back.

However, help was soon at hand via the local expat newspaper Olive Press and the area’s kind-hearted expat residents. The paper set up an appeal for practical help as well as a Go Fund Me page, and expats came from all across the district to help in any way they could. Some brought fresh clothes and blankets, and one compassionate man arrived on the weekend, helped Trish clear up the house, salvaged a few items and drove her back to her friend’s home where she’s staying until she can get her life in order.

Another, a qualified electrician, has committed to rewiring the building once everything is dried out and repaired, and the Go Fund Me page has received over €1,500 to date. In addition, Trish’s local town hall sent help to clear out the accumulated mud and remove damaged furniture. She told reporters her home now needs replastering, painting and all the floors need redoing, but she still needs more finances to recreate the home the waters destroyed.

Trish has lived in the ancient house for 14 years, unable to insure it against floods due to the river running close by, She’s eternally grateful for all the help she’s had from her friends, local people, the town hall and the Olive Press, saying ‘there are still good people in the world’.
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