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New Year resolutions for Brit expats across the world

Published:  1 Jan at 6 PM
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It’s that time of year again!

Every 31st December brings predictable New Year resolutions citing a determination to lose weight, live more healthily, give up alcohol and smoking and be nice to the neighbours! By the end of February at the latest, everyone’s back to sub-normal and life goes on until the next New Year. Expatriates are no exception to this rule, wherever they’re located, as literally everyone kids themselves this year will be different!

Wherever on the planet you’re located and whatever the reason for your emigration, there are a few resolutions which will make your life far easier as well as more rewarding in the long run. Perhaps the most important is to get on with learning the local language, however many times you’ve tried without success. Nowadays, you don’t even have to trek to a local language school – it’s all there online for those who’ve finally realised now is the time. For new arrivals who’re totally confused by almost everything in their new country of residence, Google really is your friend. Every expat destination has forums in which long-term expats answer the questions they themselves asked several decades ago.

Getting involved in your new community as well as in ways to improve life for the entire world is one New Year’s resolution everyone should make. From joining in beach clean-ups to using less plastic or helping those already helping others in orphanages, animal shelters and suchlike, volunteering ensures a rewarding New Year. Another essential New Year’s resolution is to avoid sticking to your expat community and also avoid disparaging or complaining about the local people. Apart from being extremely rude, it’s also unjustifiable as we’re all humans and need respect and friendship in our lives.

One important New Year resolution is to get out more, rather than sitting at home glaring mindlessly at the TV or computer screen. Wherever you are, the world is a fascinating, interesting and often beautiful place, and exploring your environment will open your eyes to its beauty as well as stimulating your interest and involvement. From famous UNESCO World Heritage sites to areas of exceptional natural beauty, there’s far more to life than beaches, bars and the local mall.
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