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English Expats In , Japan

If you are looking to connect with English expats in , Japan, then this page brings together all the latest expat blogs written by English bloggers, any interviews, articles and news items we have here at ExpatsBlog.com.
Latest Blogs by English Expats Living in Japan
TenguLife: The curious guide to Japan
The Curious Guide to Japan - the answer to that intriguingly simple question "But Why....?", or, of course, "But When....?" or "How....?" or "Who....?" and sometimes "Seriously....!!!". I hope you enjoy.napkinplan - Our travelling adventure
Our travelling adventure. The blog tracks my move from London to Dublin and beyond. I like to blog about food, great coffee, road trips and interesting places to visit.Life in Japan
Living in Japan, teaching English, studying Japanese, and drawing comics since 2004.
Latest Expat Interviews/ Articles
Swedish Expat Living in Japan Interview with Ri
Globe-trotting freelance writer with a passion for music, reading and puppies. Currently living in Tokyo with her Japanese husband, who adds his two yen to their mutually run blog,...American Expat Living in Japan - Interview with Jeridel
Jeridel is a manga podcaster, fiction writer, freelance graphic designer, and English teacher living in Okinawa, Japan. Jeridel's expat blog is called Jade's Escape (see listing here) Here's the...American Expat Living in Japan - Interview with Alex
Alex is an American girl who had a dream of becoming a manga artist. She took the only logical route and saved up money teaching English, and spent it all on a 2 year manga school in Tokyo. She...Dutch Expat Living in Japan - Interview with Frank
Frank is a Dutch ex professional poker player turned entrepreneur who recently moved countries for a 2nd time in 2 years to start fresh yet again. This time leaving London behind to move to the...British Expat Living in Tokyo, Japan - Interview with Matthew
Matthew, a British expat living in Tokyo, Japan, blogs about getting the most out of Japan without burning all your money away. Great for backpackers, budget tourists, ex-pats and cheap students....American Expat Living in Japan, Expat Interview with Misha
Misha is an American who is living, cooking, and teaching English in Japan. He spends his days jumping in rivers, hiking mountains, and cooking like a madman. His nights are spent slaying the mike...Expat Interview With Ashley, American Living in Japan
Ashley is a born and bred American who always wanted to travel abroad, but spent most of her school breaks visiting family along the east coast. After five years of studying at university to become a...US Expat Living in Tokyo, Japan - Interviewing Aimee
An initial assignment of six months to a year for her husband’s work as an attorney has led to a decade of experiences in Japan for Aimee Weinstein and her family. They love traveling, eating, and...Expat Interview With Adrienne - Canadian Expat in Japan
Adrienne is a Canadian expat in Nagoya, Japan. She has been teaching EFL (English as a Foreign Language) for four years to children and adults, and truly loves her job. Adrienne’s interest in Japan...US Expat Living in Niigata, Japan - Interview With Greg
Greg Goodmacher planned from an early age to live and work abroad. His educational background is in TEFL/TESL. He has lived in five different countries: the U.S., Thailand, South Korea, the United...Repat Interview With Daniel - US Expat Teaching In Japan
After studying Japanese in college and spending a year abroad as an exchange student, Daniel Morales still wanted to work on his language skills, so he signed up to teach English on the JET Program....
Latest News Relating to Japan or England
Expat English teaches in Seoul up in arms over visa changes
Expat teachers in South Korea are now facing tough new visa restrictions. As if dealing with the effects of the coronavirus pandemic wasn’t enough, South Korea’s government has just...Is England withholding protective supplies from Scotland and Wales?
British expats in Spain and across Europe are horrified and angry over reports that the UK government is halting deliveries of much-needed personal protective equipment to Wales and Scotland....Beijing hospitals now offering English language hotlines to expats
Beijing’s international hospitals are now opening English language hotlines to support expats during the coronavirus outbreak. Expats in Beijing are having a tough time nowadays, whether it’s...Expat families heading for Amsterdam now have English language website for schools
Amsterdam primary schools have launched a new website to inform expats wishing to put their kids into the Dutch school system. One of the most pressing problems for expat families is schooling...British in Costa Blanca now have region-dedicated English language newspaper
Olive Press now has an edition focused on the Costa Blanca expat community Popular expat newspaper The Olive Press now has a dedicated Costa Blanca-focused publication, the latest in its group of...