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Canadian Expats In Taiwan

If you are looking to connect with Canadian expats in Taiwan, then this page brings together all the latest expat blogs Taiwan written by Canadian bloggers, any interviews, articles and news items we have here at ExpatsBlog.com.

Latest Blogs by Canadian Expats Living in Taiwan

  • Foreign Sanctuary
    Walking the World & Mapping My Journey as I live & work in a foreign country (Taiwan). Thinking out loud, documenting my thoughts, & creating my life blueprint.
  • miller mémoires
    I'm a Canadian girl living in a Taiwanese world. My husband and I are living the Asian life while trying to figure out University, Chinese, teaching, modeling, and pretty much everything else. Follow along with our expat adventures!
  • The Cycling Canadian
    I am a Canadian currently living in Taipei, Taiwan. I work as an editor for an ESL publishing company, and whenever I get the chance, I hop on my scooter and go out to explore Taiwan
  • Ah-Taiwan: Life in Formosa
    Originally from Canada, Taiwan has become home for both Andre and his family since 1998. Ah-Taiwan is a project he began as a way to document my personal experiences with life in Taiwan.

Latest Expat Interviews/ Articles

There are currently no expat interviews with Canadian Expats living in this destination. Please get in touch if you would like to become a Featured Expat or contribute to our Local Expert Series...

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