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Canadian Expats In China

If you are looking to connect with Canadian expats in China, then this page brings together all the latest expat blogs China written by Canadian bloggers, any interviews, articles and news items we have here at ExpatsBlog.com.

Latest Blogs by Canadian Expats Living in China

  • Travelling Mac Nichols
    Selling off most of our possessions we relocated our little family of four the the coast of the Arctic Ocean. From there the adventure began. Now our family adventure takes us to China!
  • glass of scotch
    That Adventure began in Tuktoyaktuk. Tuk, for short, is located in the Northwest Territories of Canada, on the shores of the Arctic Ocean. Since then, we find ourselves in Zhaoyuan China.
  • I Thought You Were Chinese
    I'm a Canadian expat in China who enjoys writing about culture, relationships, personal development, and of course all things Chinese!
  • Tales From Hebei
    Funny stories from my life as an expat in Hebei, China
  • Totally Impractical - Living in Shanghai
    A totally impractical guide to living and traveling in China (and bits of the rest of the world) from someone who has been doing it far too long for convincing sanity.

Latest Expat Interviews/ Articles

  • Canadian Expat Living in China - Interview with Clint
    Over 2 years ago, Clint and his family were living in Atlantic Canada. Life was was beginning to feel unfulfilled. After selling his last business, unable to find another interesting business and...
  • German Expat In China - Interview With Sonja
    Sonja is a German marketing manager who works in the sporting goods industry. Consequently she loves diving, biking, surfing, and playing golf. Sonja relocated to Shanghai in June 2011 and ever...

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