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English Expats In Korea South

If you are looking to connect with English expats in Korea South, then this page brings together all the latest expat blogs Korea South written by English bloggers, any interviews, articles and news items we have here at ExpatsBlog.com.

Latest Blogs by English Expats Living in Korea South

  • Cupcake Traveler
    An EFL teacher currently in Korea.
  • An Arab in Korea
    A small insight into the life of a british arab living in Chungju, centre of Korea. Posting a mix of humorous tales from my teaching job, and things I see around Korea
  • thissokolife
    Curious about the lifestyle you can expect to enjoy in Korea?Born and raised in South Africa, pickled in London and seasoned by travel, let me tell you about sport, craft and culture in Korea.
  • Head High Heart Strong
    Life, travel and a spoonful of sugar
  • Misadventures of a Clueless Traveler
    Up and quit my job in Washington, DC and moved around the world to teach English in South Korea. I'm determined to make my mid-20s as memorable as possible.

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