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English Expats In China

If you are looking to connect with English expats in China, then this page brings together all the latest expat blogs China written by English bloggers, any interviews, articles and news items we have here at ExpatsBlog.com.

Latest Blogs by English Expats Living in China

  • In the Moment...
    A 30's girl living an expat life in Beijing with her boyfriend. Blogging about life, love, adventures and the things we get up to in our adopted city as well as lots of travel information.
  • Figuring it out
    A blog written by a 29 year old ex-Londoner who had a late-twenties-crisis and ran away to China. Observations about day-to-day life in China and sporadic adventure stories as I figure out what the heck to do with my life.
  • Michael Tyler in China
    From once popular lonelyplanetexchange.com travel site, Michaeltyler.co.uk documents the travels and life experience with many photo's, top attractions, travel advice and punditry.
  • Shanghaier Education
    A recently married final year PhD student goes on a study exchange to Shanghai. Enjoying the sights, tastes and sound of China while the husband stays at home wondering who's going to make him dinner
  • Crashing A Bike In China
    Hi all, This will be my blog for the next year in China and first of all I'd like to say how humbled I am for taking an interest in my travels, emotional. For those who have this as fresh information, and know nothing of

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