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Canadian Expats In Hamburg, Germany

If you are looking to connect with Canadian expats in Hamburg, Germany, then this page brings together all the latest expat blogs Hamburg written by Canadian bloggers, any interviews, articles and news items we have here at ExpatsBlog.com.
Latest Blogs by Canadian Expats Living in Germany
It's a Wunderbar Life
As Canadian newlyweds living and working in Hamburg, this is our blog to share our adventures and mis-adventures as we navigate life in a new culture and continent. Each week we'll countdown the lessons we've learned, down to 100 lessons!
Latest Expat Interviews/ Articles
Expat Interview With Kathleen, American Expat Living in Stuttgart, Germany
Lehrer Werkstatt (see listing here) is a blog by Kathleen Ralf, an International School Teacher, Wife, Mom, Runner, Hiker, and Happy Camper. She considers herself more of a Citizen of the World than...Canadian Expat In Berlin - Expat Interview With Cheryl Howard
A Canadian freelance writer based in Berlin, Cheryl Howard writes all about European travel and expat life. Filled with wanderlust, her nomadic heart and soul has taken her to over 24 countries...
Latest News Relating to Germany or Canada
Expat fashionistas in Prague eagerly awaiting their very own Primark mega-store
Expat fashionistas at present located in Prague are counting the days until Primark’s new mega-store opens. Female expats in the Czech Republic eager for the latest styles at an affordable cost...Expat repatriation flights to UAE now available
For expats working overseas, one of the worst aspects of the pandemic is being unable to return to your present country of residence due to lockdowns. It’ll never be known exactly how many...Expats in Thailand join to help Thais in need due to the pandemic
In spite of a representative of the Thai government’s verbal attacks on expats, foreigners all over the popular destination are pulling out all the stops to help Thai nationals in need. The...Brit expats in Spain refusing to obey anti virus rulings
Favourite expat locations in Spain are the worst for the numbers breaking State of Alarm rulings. According to spokespersons from a number of Spanish municipal authorities as well as local police...Costa del Sol pubs and bars planning free beer parties after lockdown ends
As Spain’s devastating numbers of covid-19 infections and deaths seems to be slowing, expat bar and pub owners in the Costa del Sol are planning free beer celebrations to mark the end of the...