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Canadian Expats In Germany

If you are looking to connect with Canadian expats in Germany, then this page brings together all the latest expat blogs Germany written by Canadian bloggers, any interviews, articles and news items we have here at ExpatsBlog.com.

Latest Blogs by Canadian Expats Living in Germany

  • Like a New Home
    A blog about a Brazilian couple who spent 12 year in Canada (1st expat experience) and now, since 2019, is living a 2nd expat journey, as a family of 5, in Germany.
  • Erin at Large
    I'm a freelance writer and editor, based in Heidelberg, Germany. We're Canadian, but have spent 7 years living in London amd are now continuing our expat family journey in Germany. I write about family travel, food, and style.
  • Kaffee und Kuchen
    Tales of a travel-loving, coffee and cake-eating Canadian expat living near Stuttgart, Germany with her German husband.
  • To be German
    I'm a French Canadian from Ottawa Ontario, I love music and play bass and guitar. I graduated from the University of Ottawa with a bachelor in communications and working as a communications advisor. I'm looking forward to learning German an
  • It's a Wunderbar Life
    As Canadian newlyweds living and working in Hamburg, this is our blog to share our adventures and mis-adventures as we navigate life in a new culture and continent. Each week we'll countdown the lessons we've learned, down to 100 lessons!

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