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Expats In USA Blogs Directory

This is the Expats in USA Blogs listing page at ExpatsBlog.com. Whilst we do try to include as many USA expat blogs as possible, should you know of a blog that deserves a listing please add here.

We left the UK for the USA last year. That would be myself, my husband, 3 boys under 7 and a cat.
The cat loves it in South Carolina.....

A Belgian girl living in the Golden State.

I moved from London to New York in Nov 12 with my husband and two small children. My blog records my observations on the differences between the UK and New York. It is light hearted and done with humour.

Life As Mrs. Presson: The Immigrant, The Wife, and The Future SuperMom. A personal blog chronicling the life of a Filipina who just moved recently to the US to marry the love of her life (-cough-CHEESE-cough-)

A little taste of America through my UK eyes.

A dream, the journey and its adventure. A British woman in an LDR marriage about to close the gap and move to America. Join me on my adventure as I write about getting to the USA and how I settle into life there.

My USA blog will guide you through immigration and provide you with helpful tips and answers while you're getting adjusted to your new American life. Travelers will find lots of great tips for a stress free and enjoyable visit in America.

Nikki is an Australian expat whose first move was Hong Kong, after six years there she and her family moved to Durban, South Africa. Three years in South Africa ended in June 2012 and she has now relocated to Cobb County, Atlanta, GA USA.

A mother's journey through the eccentric adventures of her Aussie family in NYC. An eclectic husband, a 12 yo prodigy film maker Son & gifted "mad scientist" Daughter.A Mother Life is about raising great people, then hanging on.

Displaced Londoner now living in the States with my two little girlies and long suffering husband. Co-author of hilarious parenting book Cocktails at Naptime

I moved to New York a few months ago when my husband was relocated here by his company.

Icelandic singer/songwriter living the dream in Hollywood. Anna Claessen a columnist at Pressan and a singer

A personal blog of a girl living her dream in California and sharing funny, strange, even shocking stories about life in USA from a foreigner's pov

Half French. Half American. Full Fun! A blog about cross-cultural living & parenting, how to blend the American and French culture together to create a unique family culture.

The life of a British expat in South Carolina America.

Simona moved from Italy to Northern California 18 years ago. Cooking, reading, kayaking, cheesemaking, photographing, bookbinding, hiking and biking are some of her interests.

Freelance journalist, wife to The Doctor and mother of two lively Littleboys. We left southwest London's 'Nappy Valley' in May 2009 for a three year sojourn on Long Island, New York.

Hi! I'm Miki, an Argentine girl who moved to California for love. I'm a dreamer, an incurable wallflower, a crazy cat lady, an indie music lover.

Originally from England, I now live in the USA with my American wife. I am a freelance writer with a wide variety of websites and blogs that I am involved with.

I'm a Brit. I was born in England and grew up in Scotland. My husband was born and bred in Pennsylvania.
We met in Glasgow, got engaged, lived long-distance for several years, got married, and now live in the USA

This is an expat blog about a German girl who lives in Texas and writes about her travels in Texas and around the world.

Spur of the Moment Reflections from a life coach and entrepreneur living and creating in San Francisco, far away from the homeland of Sweden. (Johanna C. Nilsson)

Interpreting German-American differences in the Tennessee Valley (by Christian Höferle)

I am a TCK college student living in America who is trying to make sense of my TCK identity and the world around me.

Adventures of a British expat and she navigates her way through living in Los Angeles and buying a house in Turkey

I'm Rachel. I'm a journalist who moved to Atlanta with her husband. That's when I started this blog about my take on life in the States, writing about my adventures and the similarities and the differences of life here and life in the UK.

Thoughts of a third-world kid living in a first-world country.

Bites off the expat life - the journey from the Philippines to Dubai to the USA

Chronicles of a twenty-something-immigrant-military-wife/speech therapist living the American dream..or not

A sarcastic take on glamorous LA life from a German expat working as an entertainment news reporter in Hollywood.

The blog of a girl in her twenties with a name from India but born and raised in Mexico City. In 2008 she met her soulmate (an American) while traveling in India. She blogs about travel, food, photography and her unpredictable life.

I'm from Cologne, Germany and have been living in the Silicon Valley for almost 8 years now. The observations in the every day life and travel adventures of an expat who doesn't know if she should stay or she should go.

I have a bad habit of applying for awesome-sounding jobs in far flung corners of the world then moving there. This blog is all about my latest adventure - living in San Francisco.

A Brit living in Ohio with her husband, two young lads and a bonkers dog.

After 26 years in America I find myself more American than I ever expected to be, yet not so American in many ways.

Lebanon from the lens of another Lebanese living abroad

I’m Lorna Harris, a British native living in Orange Country, California with my American husband and two boys. I write about my life here in the US, my family, travels and what I miss about the UK (and why it’s better – sometimes).

My name is Petya and I am originally from Botevgrad, Bulgaria. I came to the States when I was 18 and now live in Memphis with my husband Kyle, aka Prof. Grady.

From Paris to Los Angeles : Musings of an expat in the Wild West.

I’m a 30something British academic who has just moved from Britain to Chicago with my husband, also an academic, who’s got a job here.

Christina Schweighofer was born in Austria and now lives in Pasadena, California. She writes features, profiles, interviews, and book reviews. Her work has been published in both German and Austrian newspapers.

I'm a right bank girl trying to adapt to life in Paris on the Potomac. You can take me out of Paris, but you will never take Paris out of me!

Food styling, food photography and French food writing

Im married to Dave, we moved to California in November 2009, from Berkshire, England, along with our two westies Jess and Bluey.

A British expat transplanted into the lush Tennessee countryside. Wife, mother, grandma. The other character in this plot, being Oliver the cat, gingerness and aloof.

I'm a British Ex-pat now living in sunnier climes in Florida with my wife with a child on the way. Still love my football and I can't wait until winter.

This blog,looks at the similarities and differences of two of the worlds greatest cities,and beyond exploring other parts of the US from a British perspective, having adventures, meeting new people, places and writing!

Culturally Discombobulated is just what the internet needed - another navel-gazing blog. It's my struggle with living in the land of iHops and Dennys.

I'm Katrin, a German native living in the United States, a book worm, animal fanatic, craft addict, art admirer, fashion and beauty interested movie lover and magazine reader. Schön Dich kennenzulernen!

discussing all aspects of early education and related topics and a new chapter as a Brit in America.

Vera Ersilia, a dreamer, born in Torino, Italy. Educated in Italy and the USA. Lived in Saudi Arabia 1958-59. Came to the USA in 1960. Since 2001 to now: free-lance translation work from Italian into American English.

Transplanted Brit cross South African currently residing in sunny Boca Raton, FL, USA. Writing about families, parenting, homeschooling, travel and life. Let it be said, having an accent in a foreign country truly gives you plenty of leeway

From language variation to obscure cultural differences, the United States and the United Kingdom differ in ways most of us aren't even aware. Here's a look at just a billion of these differences.

A blog about Italian cooking and wine in the US (with occasional restaurant reviews and lifestyle posts) by two Italians living on the East Coast of the United States

A blog about the photography and wine experiences of an Italian living on the East Coast of the USA

French native, based in Seattle, tells stories about la Belle France, and all things French; stories about my life as a French transplant in the Pacific Northwest; travel stories with a French twist.

I am an Australian expat who wears multiple hats: slave to two children & 1 dog, trailing spouse, marketer & recent blogger. Follow our adventures in New Jersey, USA and our relocation trials as first time expats living in a strange land

Anecdotes and observations of an Englishman recently moved to California

GMT-5: Random musings in unfamiliar surroundings. Having plunged head-first into the Wonderful World of America, a European reflects on life in the US.

A healthy living blog, focused on vegetarian recipes, travel, fitness, pets and wellness.

Experiences and observations of a South Australian living in California with some little travels on the side...

A blog about my life in Houston! Moved here in 2009 with my then-boyfriend, now hubby's job. This blog is about our expat life here, things to do in Houston, recipes, our fertility journey and a lot of other things too :)

"I carry my old delicious burdens, I carry them, men and women, I carry them with me wherever I go."
Our aim is to help you thrive as an expat.
We write very practical, down to earth, feet in the mud posts.
And we ask the 'why' questions.

Adventures in Entertainment, Los Angeles & life - 30-something gay 'transplant' to West Hollywood blogs about movie costumes and props, billboards, running marathons, Labradors, celebrity spotting and how very different it all is from U.K.

I left a comfortable life in Sydney, Australia, in search of adventure. This is the chronicle of my San Francisco life in progess (and my current sabbatical in South East Asia), and what comes next.

What's cool for kids in Britain? Lifestyle notes, British brands and designers for kids, recipes and more.

So to date I haven't really spoken about myself as such, but rather my expat journey. Today I would like to get personal! You know those times when your phone rings or a text comes through and it is normally - do you wan

JoAnna is a Canadian expat currently resides in Brooklyn, NY. Prior to Brooklyn, JoAnna lived for 4 years in Egypt, as well as Rwanda and Denmark. She blogs about food (for people with allergies/intolerances), style and travel.

& lessons from the field (by Editor)
Northern Ireland intersects with Arizona, where an Antrim girl, all grown up, writes about life as an immigrant, an educator, a mother, and a breast cancer patient. Seamus Heaney is never too far away.

An Italian's decade of culture shock in the nation's capital.

Sarah moved to the USA in 2010 for school but found love and moved for good. She blogs about living in Philadelphia and her discoveries and being French.

A 3rd Culture Kid with a camcorder & a huge appetite. Travel vlogging & proving that your next getaway is closer than you think!

This blog is about finding happiness in a new country. I focus on what it means to be an introvert and a Highly Sensitive Person in America, how I am adapting to cultural differences as well as what it means to create a home away from home.

A Canadian expat's experiences and observations living in the Windy City!

An English student blogging about American Studies, living in America, travel experiences and culture shock.

I'm a 20 year expat from England currently living in California where I work and play. I have been called opinionated, rude and basically a gobby cow! This blog is rants, raves and comedy that Americans just don't get!

A Blog about me & all things LA. These are the sights and sounds of my life here in LA, West Hollywood, Hollywood & Beverly Hills a seen by ... me xxx

I'm a Scot now living in Tennessee. Have lived in 6 different countries and am here till the next move, whenever that may be :)

A blog about expat wives in Philadelphia sharing experiences, offering support, info, tips, and recommendations.

An unscientific and ad-hoc English dictionary translating the mysterious and multitudinous differences between American English and UK English, as found by a family of 5 living in Pennsylvania

This website talks about living in the heartland of America - the Midwest - and analyzes the long term emotional and cultural challenges of expatriation/immigration. Welcome to the life of a Belgian that landed in Kansas City, Missouri!

Hejsa! I am a Danish American mama to four boys! I report live from the trenches of motherhood, surrounded by life, love, laughter and lots of Legos!

Sarah is a European journalist who won the American Lottery Visa and moved to Chicago. She is documenting her life as a legal immigrant.

Born Brazilian, naturalized American, Expat by choice! (by Flav_Holman)

Attempting to document the experiences and life of a thirty something British wife and mum joining a new community in Austin

Newbie expat. Jozi girl. Just moved to America.This is our story and we're sticking to it, sharing our ups and downs as make the change from living in South Africa to making a life in North Carolina.
(by Mich)

A blog about moving from Australia to America, learning lessons and missing home

I write about American and Italian lifestyles, comparing the culture and traditions, about books translated, about expats, interviews to share inspirational stories. There is also a lot of visual content, which I love!

Atstarfish is a lifestyle blog about expat life in Miami, traveling, photography, current obsessions and bold endeavors to put a positive spin on life challenges.

Hi! My name is Rachel Collins, welcome to my world where I light-heartedly document my attempts at figuring out life as a twenty-something, and giving my honest opinion on the expatriate way of living as a British girl in Philadelphia, USA.

Stories about uninterrupted middle class Indian. Here, you can read about the forgotten quintessential pleasures which a middle class Indian from small town is addicted to and runs the marathon all his life for...

Once upon a time a family of four left London for Silicon Valley. This is our story.

A blog about the experiences of a Singaporean Chinese living in Chicago and the observations of American culture from a foreign Asian perspective.

I'm Mrs F., 24 YO, France. I'm going to receive my fiancé visa in a few days and will then join my fiancé in the USA. I created this blog to help people who have difficulties with the process I went through and what will follow it.

Just a Brit stumbling through the deep south of Tennessee, trying to resist the urge to end each sentence with "Y'all".

British Blogger & USA Green Card holder! Travel | Expat Life | Visa Tips | Thrill Seeker. Finding adventures in Iowa, the American Midwest & Beyond!

We are a family of four and a black labrador about to move from northern Sweden to eastern Tennessee! Follow us on our jouney from northern lights and midnight sun to sweet tea and country roads...

The vision of Share the Love is to empower and support the millions of Expat Partner. I share my experience and give guidance for rediscovering your professional identity abroad. Career advise, travel inspiration, expat lifestyle tips

Two adventurers sharing their experiences and love for food around the world.

Crafty Dutch Girl is about a family of 5 (Dutch mom, American dad, 3 kids) living in the USA. Differences in Dutch and American culture, making Dutch recipes, Dutch towns, monuments and restaurants in the USA and lots of crafts!