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Expats In Paris Blogs Directory

This is the Expats In Paris Blogs listing page. We try to include as many Paris expat blogs as possible, however if you know of one that could be featured please add here.

  • 80
  • Canada
Musings on food, art, music, books, travel and la belle vie in Paris / la vida loca in Buenos Aires from a global girl who lives in both
  • 69
  • Philippines
Some love and everyday daydream plus little things in between. Some lux and some not. From Paris and elsewhere. Love, Cynthia
  • 55
  • USA
Formerly the diary of a heart broken gal wandering the streets of Paris after a broken engagement, Tales from the Chambre de Bonne continues to follow the "Blog Opera" of a brazen Italian-New Yorker trying to find her way home in the City of Light.
  • 46
  • USA
Lindsey is a Philadelphian expat who fell in love with a Frenchman and moved to Paris.
  • 38
  • Sweden
Paris in Four Months - Follow me on my move to Paris where I discover Parisian life, delicious food, a lot of pastries and the beautiful city itself.
  • 35
  • Sweden
Peter Olson is a retired Swede, living in Paris since 1974.
  • 28
  • USA
American expat who followed her husband to France blogs about life in France, including raising a toddler, travel, food, and more.
  • 18
  • England
Paris - the good, the bad and the je ne sais quoi Stick with me for Paris tips, general musings and occasional angry rants.
  • 18
  • USA
Sion Dayson is paris (im)perfect. Writer, dreamer, she moved to France on - no exaggerating - a romantic whim. As you can imagine, a lot can go wrong (and very right!) with such a (non)plan.
  • 18
  • USA
In In 2010 thie American expat moved to Paris to be with someone who stole her heart! Making home sweet home in Paris.
  • 19
  • USA
NYC designer falls in love and moves to Paris
  • 17
  • USA
Stephanie moved to Paris to pursue a career in the art world and now shares her passion for art and artful living at ArtfullyAdored.com
  • 17
  • USA
I'm an American by birth, Swiss by marriage, resident of Paris with a Navigo Pass for the metro that I feel compelled to use. So, I'll be out and about exploring the city for the next couple of years.
  • 14
  • USA
One woman's quest to grab life by the baguettes, live life to the fullest in Paris, and find out what home really means after experiencing a death in her family.
  • 6
  • USA
Freelance writer, dreamer and lifestyle coach Stephanie Jiroch chronicles her journeys, one bottle of French wine at a time! Sharing frustrations, victories and small cultural differences with each time she presses publish.
  • 5
  • Canada
I am The Girl Who Stole the Eiffel Tower, a Canadian expat living in Paris with a compulsive need to share photos of the most beautiful city in the world and la vie en rose with fellow francophiles.
  • 2
  • USA
Showing visitors and expats alike the best things to do, see, eat and drink in Paris.
  • 3
  • USA
Living the dream and the reality that goes along with it... The good, the bad & the everyday things that make life interesting in one of the most beautiful cities in the world. "Believe in dreams & fear not the realization of them."
  • 4
  • Australia
PARISTHETHIRD shall recount my un-glamorous glamorous day-to-day life in Paris, including the moments I've said the wrong thing, (in French or English), relied on my shocking internal GPS or choked on a croissant.
  • 2
  • USA
Originally working in restaurants in CA USA, moving to France in 2004, I have been a professional cook and baker for most of my life.
  • 1
  • Canada
Pics from my life in Paris and travels around France.
  • 3
  • USA
Say "Oui" to Paris is a blog for those who live in Paris, enjoy visiting Paris, or just hold a special place in their heart for Paris.
  • 1
  • England
Expat blog from Anglophones expats in Paris. Daily posts since 2005.
  • 2
  • USA
Treasure Hunt at the Louvre by Daisy de Plume, a native New Yorker who lives in (+ is in love with) Paris.
  • 0
  • USA
Stephanie and Allison are two best friends in Paris blogging about what the tourists don’t see. Your BFF in Paris. Wonder what living in Paris is really like? What the tourists don't see?
  • 0
  • USA
I'm an American in Paris - a writer/journalist/columnist/blogger at Salon.com, Vogue at Style.com, HuffPo, & more. I've written books, screenplays, and for magazines you have read.
  • 0
  • Switzerland
A Swiss globetrotting mum, figlia di Americano, con corazòn Napoletano and a British accent walking on the wild side between Paris, Lugano and Madrid!
  • 1
  • USA
Audrey is an American expat who grew up all over Europe. Childhood was in Ireland & Spain, university in England and now lives in Paris. She blogs about her daily wardrobe choices!
  • 0
  • USA
Seeing the world with fresh eyes, and experiencing a new life between Paris and New York, from the other side of 50.
  • 0
  • England
Restaurants, wine and food, all from the perspective of a very English stomach in Paris. Not to be read on an empty stomach.
  • 1
  • USA
I am from the United States, until recently lived in Oslo, Norway and now live in Paris with my husband and 3 children.
  • 0
  • USA
Hi, my name is Hadley. I live in Paris with my fiance and puppy. We moved here from New York City in January 2012 and, since then, have been walking and eating our way through the city.
  • 0
  • South Africa
A blog about living in France, written by a South African writer who is a foodie and a bibliophile. The blog chronicles everything about the international life, including gastronomic adventures and regional travel.
  • 1
  • England
I ought to be a senior at Princeton University. Instead, I've taken a year off to write the novel that is consuming my cognitive capacity, to do some adventuring and, generally, to try out reality in Paris.
  • 0
  • USA
A blog by a design student from New York about travel and anything she finds inspiring
  • 0
  • USA
Life in Paris with a limited wardrobe for a 20-something American.
  • 0
  • USA
food, travel, and the city of light. (by Diane, A Broad)
  • 1
  • USA
The Tomato Knife is a blog about life and travel in Paris, France. I write about food, culture, and living a healthy, sustainable lifestyle.
  • 1
  • England
A blog about interiors, food, fashion and travel in Paris and beyond
  • 1
  • Australia
I write about my life in Paris. I use a wheelchair as I have the disability of quadriplegia and this adds to my up and down adventures here! Sometimes Paris tries to kick my ass. Then I drink wine!
  • 0
  • USA
Helping Americans and other expats adjust to life in France
  • 0
  • USA
About a US expat who lived in France for 3 years. Tips for expats going to Paris and visitors alike. Especially geared towards to families with young children.
  • 0
  • USA
Serial expat! Edna started life out in the States, and has moved to many worldwide destinations. Currently in Paris.
  • 0
  • Scotland
Anna lives in Paris, bu lived in Egypt for 9 years, grew up in Scotland, and Canada born.
  • 0
  • USA
Travel is not about where you go but how you see the world. Prêt à Voyager explores the intersection of travel and design while sharing an insider look at life and the less than perfect side of living in Paris.
  • 0
  • USA
I came to Paris one year as a study abroad student, yes... I know, SO typical!, and I decided to make it my home.
  • 0
  • USA
The daily musings of an American in Paris: film, fashion, food & FUN. Rebecca Leffler, former France Correspondent for The Hollywood Reporter and a regular on French TV, shares her witty perspective on la vie Parisienne!
  • 0
  • Australia
Tales from an average girl living in Melbourne who dropped everything to follow her dreams to live in Paris.
  • 0
  • England
Catherine Sanderson dreamed about living in Paris from the moment her very first French lesson began at the age of eleven. Paris has been her home since 1995. She has 2 books published.
  • 0
  • USA
An American Spaniard in France or: How I Learned to Make an Ass of Myself in Three Cultures
  • 0
  • Australia
Few days prior to packing her whole life to Paris, her mind can somewhat be likened to hearing mixed reviews about a restaurant she'd never been and decided to go anyway - this, thousand times over. This blog documents her time in Paris.
  • 0
  • New Zealand
Paris-based New Zealander, Architect and amateur cook. Obsessed with food after a childhood of meat and 3 vege, here you'll find recipes and photography of Food, Paris and the places I travel
  • 0
  • USA
Originally from the Bay Area, I'm living my dream and pursuing my MBA in International Luxury Brand Management at ESSEC in Paris. I focus mostly on my love: food, fashion, luxury, Paris, travel and so much more.
  • 0
  • Switzerland
A funky guide by a Swiss globetrotting mum, figlia di Americano, con corazòn Napoletano and a British accent walking on the wild side between Lugano and Paris!
  • 0
  • USA
Food, fashion, design and expat life in Paris.
  • 0
  • Italy
I love travelling, living abroad and I'm moving my first steps into photography. What do I talk about? Livin': everyday life and passions. Abroad: travel and foreign countries. Livin'+Abroad: how I handle my life in a foreign contry.
  • 0
  • USA
Perpetual Passenger chronicles the adventures of an American gone rogue and living in Paris as she learns the language and jetsets when she can. So sit back, relax and enjoy the flight.
  • 0
  • USA
An American Expat in Paris attending the Cordon Bleu.
  • 0
  • England
A girl from Manchester living and raving in Paris.
  • 0
  • Romania
Awesome details about the everyday life of a wannabe Parisian (by The Girl)
  • 0
  • USA
This is my personal blog. I post a lot about my trips around Europe, especially my time in Paris. I also post recipes and outfits. It's a lot of fun!
  • 0
  • USA
Theadora Brack, Editorial Director Theadora’s weekly column on Paris covers art, architecture, fashion, cuisine and shopping, always gussied up with some gossip and historical tidbits.
  • 0
  • USA
Musings on culture, language and my adventures throughout France and Europe by a girl with a serious case of wanderlust.
  • 0
  • USA
A working woman's expat journey from San Francisco to Paris (by Lisa)
  • 0
  • Singapore
Wee Ling is from Singapore and has spent most of her 20s in China by chance. She currently lives in Paris with her spouse and secretly plots to return to Asia on the Trans-Siberian one day.
  • 0
  • USA
THIS IS A BLOG ABOUT PLAY. And Paris. And museums. And parties. Celebrating beauty in the everyday to make life a bit more cheery.
  • 0
  • USA
An insider's scoop on travel in Europe, from an American living in Paris
  • 0
  • England
A blog documenting the life of an English girl currently living in the beautiful city of Paris - all things travel, culture and life related!
  • 0
  • Canada
An expat blog about life in Paris, travels around the globe and beautiful photographs to inspire you.
  • 0
  • USA
Yup, another Américaine living la vie en rose in Paris, maybe.
  • 0
  • USA
A woman living in Paris, traveling around Europe and creating excitement as an expat in France.
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