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Expats In Toronto Blogs Directory

This is the Expats In Toronto Blogs listing page. We try to include as many Toronto expat blogs as possible, however if you know of one that could be featured please add here.

Karin and Kieran are a British couple who recently became Toronto locals. Explore Canada with us

I'm Charlotte Santry, a UK-born journalist from London who moved to the fantastic city of Toronto, Canada, in July 2012.

I am a recent graduate of The Ohio State University. I am a new resident of Toronto, Ontario and about to start my professional life in a new city. You will be able see me look for a job, get accustomed to a new city and a new life.

Oscar Wilde said, "Memory... is the diary that we all carry about with us", so here's a few impressions of my experiences as an expat in Toronto.

Mardi isa full-time French teacher to elementary school-aged boys, born in Australia, has lived in Hong Kong, England, France and now Toronto, canada. Her blog focuses on her culinary adventures near and far.

From Essex to the shores of Lake Ontario...My life as a British Expat Mum. Blogging about immigrating to Canada and living in a house full of Testosterone

The best pubs, curry, jobs and dental care in Toronto. Voted "Best New Website 2013" by my mum.

A Permanent Resident of Canada and author of the book, "How To Immigrate To Canada For Skilled Workers".

We were a family of 5 living in India as expats. We re-patriated back to MN. Then, we moved to Toronto Canada. This is our story and our way of keeping in touch.

An English girl, uprooted
I'm Lindsey Rose: geography lover, tea enthusiast, British expat and inspiring travel blogger who is often lost in dreams and ramblings