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Bibsey - life after birth in Andalucía

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Bibsey - life after birth in Andalucía
Ex-rat race full-time first-time Bibsey Mama discovering that there is life after birth. Living up a mountain in Southern Spain and blogging about it.
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Website Reviews » There are 6 reviews on Bibsey - life after birth in Andalucía

11:48 AM November 03, 2012

I just love this blog! The funniest but sometimes sad, piece of writing I have the pleasure of reading, and you don´t have to be a mum or dad to enjoy it! If this blog doesn´t deserve an award then I´ll eat my proverbial hat!

Fiona Flores Watson
13:12 PM November 05, 2012

Bibsey is the funniest blogger in Spain - it's official. But she's not one to shout about it, so do I'll do the job for her: READ THIS BLOG! Especially, although not only, if you have small children. It will make you feel warm and fuzzy inside, though don't read it while drinking tea, as you'll spit it out laughing, as I frequently do. Go Bibsey!

Older Mum In A Muddle
09:05 AM November 06, 2012

I never fail to read a Bibsey post - she shines every time - funny, heartfelt, eloquent and brimming with intelligence! My favourite expat blogger.

09:52 AM November 15, 2012

A witty, intelligent, heartfelt and beautiful blog.

21:35 PM November 18, 2012

I just love reading the blog every week. Beautifully written with great feeling - and lots of humour - does deserve an award!!!

Coombemill - Fiona
00:27 AM November 20, 2012

A great blog my a Mum who really enjoys all the best about outdoor fun with the kids and makes Southern Spain look wonderful.

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