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Ishita Unblogged

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Ishita Unblogged
A Culinary Travel Blog featuring Dubai, Kolkata & the world beyond. Culture, history, recipes, food stories and nostalgia... with 2 kids in tow!
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Website Reviews » There are 31 reviews on Ishita Unblogged

08:53 AM October 22, 2012

Loads and loads of love and best wishes Ishita

11:45 AM October 22, 2012

Informative and fun, great work, best wishes always!

14:44 PM October 22, 2012

Very creative n inspiring dishes Ishita posts on her blog. Wishing her the best wishes for this contest.

Tanuka Gupta
18:44 PM October 22, 2012

The blog shows not only creativity but passion and hard work as well. Not one article has been posted without research being done. The crafting of the travelogue with right balance of information and intrigue makes it very different from others. You feel that we are walking along with the author as she journeys through her personal experience.

Dr Jayanta Chatterjee
16:43 PM October 25, 2012

i have always felt that ur blogs bring together the right mix of humour and facts with a generous dose of history and local colour in such a lucid language that u feel that i could go on and on reading.....best of luck chotai and i am waiting for ur first book and first booker................

12:55 PM October 29, 2012

Have seen you through this journey and the passion you exude to deliver each and every story is just amazing! I love the way your stories maintain a local flavour creating the connection with the local community we live in - hence maintaining the interest at all times. Wishing you all the best - I am sure this is just the beginning of a long journey...

Ginger And Scotch
07:01 AM October 31, 2012

Lovely and wistful writing.

Sangeeta Mukherjee
11:05 AM November 06, 2012

The blog shows creativity, lots of hard work,passion and fun. Best wishes always!!

16:40 PM November 11, 2012

Ishita's posts are always thoroughly researched interweaving her passion for both food and travel. Makes riveting reading and you will always pick up a new learning or two.

Aroop Datta
05:05 AM November 29, 2012

Loads of Good Luck Best Wishes and God Bless Keep it up and going always..

Santanu De
05:43 AM November 29, 2012

Your blog has always been an eclectic mix of food, culture, tradition and emotion laced with the right dose of humour. They traverse with ease through the geographical boundaries of Kolkata, India & Middle East. No doubt, I don't miss a single chance to go thru your blogs whenever a new one is published.

06:00 AM November 29, 2012

oooh....I particularly loved the aam panna one...I liked how you weaved in the concept of sustainability and aam panna ...

06:33 AM November 29, 2012

Love reading your blog, it transports me to experience the places, cultures and cuisine through your eyes. Amazing photography brings it to life. Good Luck!

07:00 AM November 29, 2012

Love reading Ishita's blog due to the sheer content & her storytelling style of writing. Photographs are awesome & they really leave a lasting impression

Aditi Mukherjee
07:09 AM November 29, 2012

Delightful insights of cuisines, great experimentation and love the variety

Seema Nevatia
13:10 PM November 29, 2012

Ishita's blog is like a therapy for me. It has emotions, feelings, passion and creativity for food and people around us. It is gradually becoming like an encyclopedia for Indian food, mixed with a very suttle romance of International and local flavours!! I love this blog more and more everyday!!!! All the best Ishita.

14:03 PM November 29, 2012

Kewl blog.Luv the passion and effort behind each post.

Mira Banerji
15:29 PM November 29, 2012

Awesome fusion of dishes and food history wedded to the different cultures. A 360 view on food.

16:11 PM November 29, 2012

Love your work Ishita ! , each and every post of yours evidently shows your passion for creative writing. Ishita-unblogged in truly food journalism at it's best ! Keep up the great work. My best wishes are there with you always.

16:26 PM November 29, 2012

An exhilarating experience to read the blogs. Artistic blend with an eye for detail. The context of the cuisuine and it's influence is a must read for food lovers. Must read for food lovers of the world

Aparajita Mitra
23:17 PM November 29, 2012

Ishita, your blog is an amazing mix of heady colours, tantalizing aromas,lots of TLC for people, places and the world in general, and is a true reflection of your Bohemian spirit!

12:45 PM November 30, 2012

Ishita, your blog is so inspirational for us ... simple recipes metamorphed into mouth watering dishes.... travel ideas ...putting it in few words...a wonderful combination of travel and food. Your blog really shows your passion and the hard work you've put in. And last but not the least, excellent creativity and photography... Really admire you!

06:42 AM December 01, 2012

Straight-from-the-heart & funny, yet so clever, inspiring, pioneering... your posts are an absolute delight! Proud of you, Ishita! Lots of love.

10:06 AM December 01, 2012

Love Ishita's blog as it is written in simple language with attention to detail.

10:20 AM December 01, 2012

The East will remain the East and the West will remain the West, but people like Ishita will make the twain meet. Kudos my friend!

Avijit Mukerji
05:13 AM December 02, 2012

Love reading Ishita's blogs. The posts are very creative, artistic with a lot of attention of detail, research and presentation, great pictures as well.....she has now created her own niche space with her writings! Way to go!

06:46 AM December 02, 2012

ishita, i love your blog... it is loaded with good information about exploring dubai. and i have bookmarked many of your pages as reference guides....i love your pictures too... it makes me want to see that place you have clicked... will look forward to more and more lovely posts from you.. best wishes:)

Sri Tatsat
08:42 AM December 02, 2012

Though I happen to have a keen interest in cooking and travelling, I guess that is not why I adore her works. It is more about the amount of work put behind each and every post- the photography, the history and to top it all, a genuine human touch :) They say greatness lies in detail and rightly so... Goodluck and godspeed !

Shikha Bhattacharyya
18:06 PM December 02, 2012

This blog is all about creativity and showcases the talent of a truly wonderful person. Ishita's delightful recipies are a sure hit for all tummy pleasers....Lots of good wishes Ishita...

Paramita Roy
18:17 PM December 02, 2012

The blog not only drives passion but provides facts and turns a travelers journeys even more fascinating. With spectacular photographic techniques being used throughout the blog, minute details to describe every aspect of the background, and including what's being captured in the food lovers palate makes the reading even more intriguing. The lucid language, flow creates a interesting thrill for the reader. Her stories brings emotions whether its travels or food or something adventurous which brings it all together. From childhood till date I knew you as the amazing artist and you will excel.. Spectacular and I will you all the best Ishita in your endeavor!!!

16:06 PM January 07, 2013

Hi Ishita Your writing is so original, and most of all it is so easy to connect with what you write. Great work!

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