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Oui In France

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Oui In France
Oui In France: Musings on life in France, my dog and everything else... takes a look at expat life from the Loire Valley.
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  • 10 Reasons why expat life in France is like a box of chocolates Expat Blog Awards 2013 The expat experience is deeply personal and different for every single person who leaves the comforts of home to embark on a new life abroad. Sometimes life in France is eye opening and inspiring and other times it’s frustrating and lonely. For...

ExpatsBlog.com Expat Blog Awards 2012: France Honourable Mention Award!

This blog won the Honourable Mention Award for best expat blog in France!

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Website Reviews » There are 51 reviews on Oui In France

21:14 PM October 16, 2012

I LOVE this blog!!! YAYYYY!!! Cheri

21:54 PM October 16, 2012

By far one of my favorite blogs to read.

23:31 PM October 16, 2012

It makes me want to travel to beautiful France.

23:59 PM October 16, 2012

Great informative and fun blog! Make sure you keep posting more!

Tracy G.
00:24 AM October 17, 2012

This is the only blog I read regularly. Diane is a dog lover who is full of hilarious wit, I look forward to her stories for a daily chuckle. Keep it up!

00:51 AM October 17, 2012

I am either smiling or laughing very hard after reading this blog. One of my favorite blogs to read. It's fantastic!!

01:12 AM October 17, 2012

Having lived the expat life, OuiInFrance is right on target. I love reliving experiences through this blog and the musings are dead on! BEST BLOG BY FAR!

07:48 AM October 17, 2012

Love this blog -- makes me want to move to France ASAP!

Jackie B.
08:00 AM October 17, 2012

Excellent blog! I am both an ex pat (in Spain) and the owner of a new site www.holidayhomeadvice.co.uk. On both counts I can really resonate with Diane's musings and love how she puts certain situations across so well, and with a good sense of humour. I liked her blog so much that I invited her to do a guest piece for our site.

Cathy Henton
10:32 AM October 17, 2012

Always witty and sharply observed every day situations that many of us find ourselves in. A great read - just the right length to keep my attention and a wide range of subjects keeps it fresh and alive.

Diane Zdrodowski
13:25 PM October 17, 2012

I knew Diane briefly in the US, and then she moved to France. I feel like I'm travelling with her every day and learning things about a familiar (or so I thought) culture, that I never would have known. The blog is heartfelt, humerous and candid. It is the only one I read. Kudos to her! I look forward to hearing her musings every day.

Adele Abrams
13:50 PM October 17, 2012

This is great! Well-written, amusing and informative. What more can you ask for?

Kathy Tapper
18:30 PM October 18, 2012

Love this blog, i'm ready to catch a plane to France to see all of the beautiful places in Diane's travels.

NIna Choe
19:34 PM October 18, 2012

Love this blog! I love Paris and Diane is a great writer.

Debra H
19:42 PM October 18, 2012

Excellent blog by someone who is a keen observer of humans and their pets.

Carolina Rivera
20:06 PM October 18, 2012

Love Diane's sense of humor and way of looking at things! As a French buff, and dog lover myself, it's great to be able to connect with her on so many ways and be entertained while doing so! I also have a very short attention span so I love how Diane keeps her blog posts concise and to the point, yet still contain great information!

20:58 PM October 18, 2012

Love getting updates in my mailbox everyday from the blog. It is always interesting to hear Diane's opinion on life in France! Keep up the good work!

Christine Snyder
04:20 AM October 19, 2012

I'll probably never have the opportunity to visit France, so I love to read this blog! Diane provides the perspective from the point of view of an American, and as a dog lover, both important to me. This blog is humorous, and gives me enough of a taste of France that I'd love to visit! Keep it up!

12:23 PM October 19, 2012

Great blog! Keeps me entertained, informed and wanting to read the next! Don't stop writing, please!

Mathieu Sauvetre
20:30 PM October 19, 2012

Sincerely, this blog is the best blog I have ever come across. The stories are written with such talent that one finds himself living vicariously the life of an expat in France through the wonderful blog of Diane. Her daily articles are riddled with witticism and interesting facts about French culture. You just won't get enough of it! But be careful, some stories might just make you fall off your chair laughing...

19:49 PM October 20, 2012

I love the range of topics Diane writes about in Our In France. From the latest trips she's taken, to pet peeves about living in Europe, or stories about her dog, Dagny, there's always something new and interesting to read about. Her voice is distinct as she writes in such detail, humor and open mindedness. Check out this blog and you will not be disappointed!

17:34 PM October 21, 2012

As a french person, I love hearing a different perspective about our way of life! Really entertaining to read, illustrated with nice pics, informative, funny...I really admire Diane's work!

Chris M
01:52 AM October 22, 2012

This blog is extremely well written and always puts a smile on my face. I love the photos as well as the writer's perspective on life in France.

15:47 PM October 22, 2012

It's a great blog, well deserving of the award! Makes me want to visit France every time I read. :)

17:47 PM October 27, 2012

Diane shares interesting perspectives and very often laugh out loud posts about being an American expat (+dog lover!) in France... a must read blog!

20:26 PM October 29, 2012

DIane's blog is fantastic! Great voice, very informative, and always a great perspective. I always look forward to reading it!

12:52 PM October 31, 2012

Love this blog! Love learning about life in France and hearing about Dagny's adventures!

07:54 AM November 03, 2012

Diane's blog is a perfect mix of info on French culture, pictures of her travels and her hilarious stories along the way. A well-done blog all the way around. Two thumbs up!

Caren Gittleman
14:59 PM November 04, 2012

I was delighted from Day One when I stumbled into Oui in France! I have learned so much about the French culture and customs through her blog, I have salivated over photos of delectable food, I have laughed and been educated and entertained. I LOVE HER BLOG!

17:17 PM November 04, 2012

I love reading the author's insights into expat life in France. She makes me feel like I'm right there with her, experiencing the real country -- not some tourist version. And hey, ya gotta love the dog.

19:53 PM November 04, 2012

It's such a gorgeous blog!!

Kimberly Gauthier
22:00 PM November 04, 2012

I'm a huge fan of Diane's blog. I don't always comment, but I always read it and it's so much fun for me to check out what she's up to.

01:53 AM November 05, 2012

Oui in France definitely has what it to takes to WIN your Expats in France Blog Award. I subscribe to Oui in France because soon I will become a first time expat. . .This blog is awesome because she shares her life and adventures in a very open way. I just heart this blog!

06:07 AM November 22, 2012

I am a work at home mom with four dogs and a human toddler. I rarely leave my house or even put on pants. Thus, I live vicariously through Diane's adventures which are even better than Law and Order marathons.

07:34 AM November 26, 2012

Oui In France is a realistic look into French life and I always enjoy getting updates in my inbox. Love Diane's perspective and all the laughs along the way...

14:36 PM November 28, 2012

Love this blog. Hilarious!

14:44 PM November 29, 2012

I am addicted to this blog.

16:51 PM November 30, 2012

Sometimes I think about what it would be like to move to France and since it's pretty much not an option for me, I like to live life vicariously through Diane. A very worthy blog!

French Foodie In Dublin
17:00 PM November 30, 2012

Great blog. I'm French and left France 8 years ago, it's nice to read your perspective. Interesting posts and lovely design!

18:03 PM November 30, 2012

Her dog is so cute! And the stories about life in France aren't bad either. ;)

14:31 PM December 01, 2012

Great blog. I always look forward to reading Diane's latest posts. France has been on my bucket list of places to bring my boys, and now, via her blog, I feel I am more prepared for when we finally go on this trip.

00:20 AM December 02, 2012

I like this blog. Good, focused content and lovely design.

18:35 PM December 08, 2012

Great mix of topics from everyday stuff to myths you might not know about. Cool web design too!

12:56 PM December 13, 2012

One day I'll visit France, but until then, I have this blog. Love the stories and practical info as well as the photos. Keep up the good work!

00:45 AM December 14, 2012

clever , funny, as well as informative. Love this blog. Beautifully written. Write on!

David R
03:43 AM December 14, 2012

Dagny is so darn cute and Diane is a hilarious, witty writer. I LOVE this blog!

09:19 AM December 14, 2012

Cool blog and cute dog! Love the funny stories, keep it up!

18:15 PM December 14, 2012

I'm a new reader and really like this blog. It's cool to see what expat life is like although I probably won't be living abroad anytime soon. Pics are great too!

18:18 PM December 14, 2012

Favorite expat blog. hands down

07:31 AM December 15, 2012

Absolutely worthy of an award. I really like this blog and look forward to getting updates!

07:33 AM December 15, 2012

I don't read a lot of blogs because I don't have the time, but I always make time for this one and enjoy reading about what Dianne is up to

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