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Tropical Daydreams

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Tropical Daydreams
Observations, at times reflective, at times funny, from a retired American living in Búzios, Brazil for over a decade. A fresh look at the similarities and differences with an insider's perspective.
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- On NOT Going to the Beach 9 years ago Which way do I go?There are a number of people who seem to be a bit puzzled, and somewhat skeptical, if not out and out suspicious of the fact that Mark and I live at the beach and yet don't go to the beach. The conversations on this subject always take the same form. People start by remarking on...
- Bring on the Olympic Sailing Events! 9 years ago The excitement that all of Búzios felt at the possibility that the Olympic sailing events would be torn from Rio's grasp and staged out here in our clean, unpolluted waters was contagious. After all, we were told that even the great and powerful United States Olympic Committee had requested the...
- Ode to Brazil 9 years ago It's hard to sit down and explain,What to 'zilians has caused so much pain,Because like it or not,This country was Hot!But is now just the butt of disdain.We are having enormous disruption,Due to various schemes of corruption,There are kickbacks like crazy,On details I'm hazy,But we're pelted with...
- More Blog Updates 9 years ago Time to satisfy the curiosity of those readers who are wondering what's been happening with some of the ongoing dramas — or even just the day-to-day changes — that make up our life in Búzios. So here are a few blog updates:The Vacant Lot's Not Vacant Anymore(First posted on 9/16/13, updated on...
- A Couple of Little Bones to Pick with the USA 9 years ago No aspirin is going to help this headache!Before I embark on a series of diatribes in upcoming months about everything that's gone dreadfully wrong in Brazil in the last year or so, a series of political, economic, and social events that have driven nearly every single person who lives here into...
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