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Practically Perfect

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Practically Perfect
My name is Jenny Tucker and I’m a first-time American mum and an RN who’s moved to New Zealand. My husband Chris and I moved here in May 2010 for his job, and we’re loving the new experiences and travel.
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- Auckland 5 years ago Arriving back in Auckland was odd. I kept having memories play across my mind and I felt like a rolling mixture of happiness, exhaustion, and bittersweet melancholy as certain things would trigger reminders. A billboard advertisement. The familiar accent. The style of the houses and size of the...
- Return to New Zealand 5 years ago It was about 2 years ago – when I was fully stuck into grad school and wondering if there would be an end in sight – that I found myself sitting across from Chris, looking up from my notes, and saying, “I want to go back to New Zealand. I want to plan on it.… Read More Return to New Zealand
- Busch Gardens 2019 5 years ago This weekend we went to Busch Gardens’ member preview day. Joe and Jack had been looking forward to it for weeks. We knew that it would take a bit of time to get into the park. Opening day is always crazy. Even though we live less than 5 miles from the park entrance, it still… Read More...
- Springing Forward 6 years ago Yesterday marked the end of Daylight Savings Time. We took the morning pretty gently, not waking up till 8am (which was 7am the day before) and greeting the day with waffles and lots of tea (or coffee, in Chris’ case). Because it was a somewhat odd day with different hours, we decided to skip...
- January 2019 6 years ago We’re about halfway through February, but yes, I’m just now getting around to posting about our January 2019. It was a pretty uneventful month with a few minor eventful things. I tried accupunture for the first time, both as a recipient and as a practitioner: I tried out our new Instant Pot...
ExpatsBlog.com Expat Blog Awards 2012: New Zealand Bronze Award!

This blog won the Bronze Award for best expat blog in New Zealand!
Copy and paste code to display the Bronze Award Badge:Website Reviews » There are 9 reviews on Practically Perfect

11:29 AM November 16, 2012
11:29 AM November 16, 2012

I love Jenny's blog! I've really enjoyed reading about all of their experiences & all of the pictures she posts!

19:34 PM November 16, 2012
19:34 PM November 16, 2012

I'm moving to New Zealand as a nurse...not only has Jenny been super helpful but her blog has tons of information! I don't know what I would have done without the friends I have met through blogging. Way to go Jenny!

20:03 PM November 16, 2012
20:03 PM November 16, 2012

I "met" Jenny through her blog while considering a move to New Zealand. She was very warm and friendly when I contacted her about the move. After arriving in NZ, Jenny sent me ideas of places to go and things to do with my kids. I was able to meet Jenny a couple times and she is such a lovely person. Although it would be impossible for her prepare me for everything an expat faces, she helped me a lot, and made me feel like I had a friend before I even arrived.

21:39 PM November 16, 2012
21:39 PM November 16, 2012

Really enjoy reading Jenny's blog and "discovering" new places along with her and her family.

03:28 AM November 18, 2012
03:28 AM November 18, 2012

While I am not considering a move to NZ, I have definitely added NZ to my list of places to visit thanks to Jenny's blog! I enjoy reading what she has to say just as a fellow mom and learning about NZ has made her posts that much more interesting.

10:59 AM November 19, 2012
10:59 AM November 19, 2012

I'm a Kiwi who became friends with Jenny initially through her blog and then in real life because of mutual American friends here. She has a gift for writing that engages the reader through her insights, pictures and funny stories which are enhanced by her clear writing style. I appreciate how she covers both the positive and negative things about life here in NZ as an ex-pat and I've found it really interesting reading about NZ from that perspective :)

11:21 AM November 20, 2012
11:21 AM November 20, 2012

I have been to New Zealand only once. It wasGreat job Jenny for the birth of my grandson Joe, Jenny's son. I am of course predijudce however Jenny is a great writer. Being so far from Jenny, Chris and Joe, I always read her blog, hungry for information about her life and the life of her family.A great way to keep in touch. Great Job Jenny!

Kelly Hopkinson
01:03 AM November 21, 2012
01:03 AM November 21, 2012

Love Jenny's Blog! My husband and I loved our time spent in New Zealand, and reading Jenny's blog reminds me of what a truly Awesome country New Zealand is. I enjoy seeing all the pictures and and reading about the experiences that Jenny posts. Great job Jenny!

Anna Steinhart
20:35 PM July 29, 2013
20:35 PM July 29, 2013

Hi Jenny, My name is Anna. I'm an RN in Portland, OR. I also am a 1st time mum. My husband and I both agree we want to move to New Zealand or Australia in the next few years. I am looking forward to following you. So glad to found someone so similar to myself! Thank you for sharing your experiences! Anna